4 Effective Breathing Techniques To Reduce Anxiety

4 effective breathing techniques to reduce anxiety

Breathing techniques require that we remember that this metabolic action is so much more than just a physical process. Breathing well creates well-being, relieves anxiety, and allows us to live better. So, including 4 effective breathing techniques in daily life can help us to live more consciously, focused and harmoniously.

Most people have not stopped to analyze the way they breathe. In fact, “why should we do it?” Is a good question. Our body is almost a perfect machine that automatically performs many processes, which guarantees our survival. Thanks to this, we can devote a good part of our energy to other tasks, such as reading this article.

Now asking ourselves questions about this line of thinking can do us some good. Neglecting our body has consequences, and allowing our emotions to take hold of us can lead to even worse results. Let us not forget that an exhausted body, seized or controlled by excessive restlessness, haste or anxiety, results in faster and abnormal breathing. This causes our body to perform metabolic tasks at an unbalanced and even dangerous rate.

You need to breathe better to live your life to the fullest, and these techniques can help.

abdominal breathing technique

1. Effective breathing techniques: diaphragmatic breathing

When we think of breathing, most of us visualize a few lungs. Well, it must be said that it is the diaphragm that is actually responsible for breathing. It is right there, under the lungs, and separates the chest from the abdominal area. It moves when we breathe. If we move it to a greater extent, it will stimulate other organs such as the liver and a larger number of tissues to increase blood circulation, and even strengthen the elimination of toxins.

We must keep this body part in mind for the diaphragm is the essential part of most effective breathing techniques. Let’s take a look at how we can become aware of it and stimulate it.

  • Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest.
  • Your back should be straight.
  • Now, take a deep breath through your nose.
  • Make sure that the diaphragm (diaphragm) is raised, not the chest.
  • So, exhale with your mouth so it sounds.
  • You should take 6 – 10 slow breaths per minute.

2. Alternate nostril breathing

This is one of the best known breathing techniques. It is also ideal for reducing anxiety and for promoting relaxation and better concentration on a daily basis. These are the steps to follow.

  • Sit comfortably, remember to keep your back straight.
  • Now cover your right nostril with your right thumb.
  • Then, inhale as deeply as you can through your left nostril.
  • Hold your breath as you switch, then remove your right thumb and cover your left nostril and exhale with your right nostril.
  • Repeat the process on the other side.

It may seem complicated at first, but as soon as you become comfortable with it, you will see the incredible benefits.

3. Fire or kapal abhati

Khapalabathi is one of the most effective breathing techniques to reduce anxiety and optimize the respiratory system. It helps cleanse the airways and even improves lung capacity.

The word kapalabhati comes from Sanskrit and is composed of two concepts: kapala meaning “skull” and bhati meaning “shine, or the performance of purification”.  Let’s look at how we do it.

  • Sit down with a straight back.
  • Bring your chin down against your chest
  • Close your eyes to better concentrate on your breath
  • Inhale deeply
  • So, make quick exhalations by tightening the muscles in your abdomen, imagine pushing your navel out towards your spine.
  • As you make these exhalations, your body will automatically inhale again. You should make at least 10-15 blows in a row. Take a few minutes break and then start again.

4. Visualized breathing technique

Many effective breathing techniques include various visualizations that even help you relax even more. However, a lot more expertise is required so that the whole process actually benefits you with these cleansing sensations that are capable of extinguishing tensions and reducing anxiety and stress.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Lie down on a mat on the floor, or on your bed.
  • Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest to make sure you are breathing through your diaphragm.
  • Now inhale deeply through your nose, imagine that a wave at sea covers you from head to toe. Feel the freshness, the bubbling in the water, the way the water moves over you…
  • Exhale through your mouth and visualize the same wave slowly retreating from your head and toes…

To conclude, simple and effective breathing techniques can help you improve your well-being, stay healthy and tie the knot to all these tensions that little by little make you sick without you noticing. Dedicate a few minutes each day to breathing better, to living in better harmony with your own body and needs.

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