5 Brilliant Quotes By Aristotle

5 brilliant quotes by Aristotle

Today we are going to get acquainted with some good quotes by Aristotle. He was, and is, undoubtedly one of the most important philosophers in the history of human civilization. It is definitely worth spending some time now and enjoying some of his grains of wisdom and his way of looking at the world.

How could a civilization from 3000 years ago provide some of the most glorious minds in human history? We are talking about Aristotle, of course, but also about his teacher and his predecessor, Plato and Socrates, who left their mark on society. It is fascinating to see the development and involution of human thinking across the many civilizations that have inhabited this planet.

Good quotes by Aristotle

Aristotle, as we have said, was an outstanding student of such greats as Plato or Evdoksos. But in turn he was also a teacher of other famous characters, such as Alexander the Great. His philosophy gave life to quotations that, more than 2,000 years later, have not lost an ounce of value to today’s society.

A reflection on wisdom

Even today, we hear many ignorant people who believe that those who shout the loudest or those who show the greatest self-confidence when they speak are the wisest. However, while some indulge and enjoy their supposed wisdom, others ask, reflect, and examine.

woman's face - quotes by Aristotle

We could almost see this quote as a kind of warning for the scientific methods that would develop later. Do not say anything until you are sure that what you are saying is true. This is why some say that the ignorant speak with the mouths of those who really know.

Know yourself

It is strange that, although we are a fairly spiritual species, humans tend to know so little about themselves. Sometimes it seems as if we refuse to dive into ourselves for fear of what we find. We look at our picture in the mirror, but never spend time looking beyond that picture.

We all have things in our lives that are difficult to accept. In doing so, we would take a step towards what Aristotle called victory over himself. A long and complex task, but a necessity if we want to enjoy the feeling of well-being that provides the balance between our inner self and the image we project to others.

What is intelligence?

Again we see that Aristotle utters sentences similar to what will later become known as scientific procedures. We may have plenty of knowledge, but if something can not be shown clearly and used practically, is it really useful?

quotes by Aristotle - woman writing

This quote by Aristotle thus strengthens many of the complaints from students in today’s schools. They ask themselves what is the point of studying, and it is rare to find a teacher who can explain how they can get out of the abstract world of letters and numbers and get into the real world. Do not forget that a practical explanation can be one of the biggest motivations anyone can get to learn.

The true friendship

Is this one of Aristotle’s most complex sentences? Isn’t wanting a friendship enough to actually have it? V ennskap is undoubtedly a bidirectional things. Still, wanting the friendship must be the first step toward creating it.

Perhaps the Greek philosopher refers to the need for friendship coming from the depths of our being. Friendship is something spiritual. After all, despite the fact that Aristotle was one of the most pragmatic philosophers of the ancient world, in his day they strongly believed in the existence of the soul.

The value of effort

Undoubtedly, this is one of Aristotle’s sentences that contains a greater meaning. Little is achieved without effort. For the Greeks, being virtuous was a serious and necessary question. In fact, they believed that only the most virtuous and just should rule the people.

This quote is undoubtedly very valid today. You may not achieve what you hope for with effort, but without it you will almost certainly not get it. Thus, a virtuous, educated, understanding and empathetic attitude will take you on a much more comfortable path through life.

These wonderful quotes from Aristotle should certainly make us reflect. Let us take advantage of this great opportunity to learn from a genius and think of his words, and also try to improve ourselves as human beings, as a society and as a species.

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