5 Simple Steps That Can Train Your Intuition

5 simple steps that can train your intuition

Some people have an innate ability to perceive. They often make the right decisions and make life smile for them. These are people who have learned to develop and train their intuition to become a habit. Want to learn how?

Intuition is a form of knowledge that cannot be explained or expressed orally according to many psychological theories. This is not something you can rationally acquire. We are not talking about the esoteric idea of ​​intuition, but rather the ability to perceive and understand reality without reasoning. It is innate, not supernatural.

In this article, we will tell you about some techniques that can help you lead yourself better forward. Make the right decisions and gain a broader perspective on life. Take a look at these exercises if you want to train your intuition!

Trust your gut feeling – to train your intuition

You are about to accept an offer of a new job. It is with a prestigious multinational company, which will undoubtedly be exactly what you need to climb in your career. The job you have now is a little more modest. It provides a good balance between work and private life, but not so great opportunities to excel. And you only have two days to decide.

Hand and heart

Rationally speaking, you know that you will never get such a chance again to work for a multinational company. But the gut feeling says you should not take it, because it is not a good feeling.

We advise you to listen to your gut feeling, because it is the body’s way of warning you to be careful. Give it the break it needs. You will not regret learning to listen to your intuition.

You did what you thought was best for you, whether right or wrong. You have at least unleashed the ability that was hidden deep within you. It is usually the intuition that alerts you when something makes you uneasy.

Observation exercise

There is a close connection between perception and intuition.  People with intuition are also the most observant. Observing things means that you are curious and notice things around you. It is about finding information or acquiring new knowledge that may also surprise or seem interesting.

This exercise will help you find similarities, coincidences and relationships between objects and people around you.  Things that at first may not seem to have any connection at all.

Meditation can train your mind

You may not know if you have intuition or not, because you do not have enough self-awareness. Then meditation will be able to help you train your intuition and make you better acquainted with yourself.

The benefits are clear: meditation counteracts anxiety and stress, and you will gain a better understanding of who you are, release negative emotions and give yourself a better balanced mind.

Through meditation you will be able to notice stimuli around you that you did not previously know existed. In addition to training your intuition, meditation will increase your creativity and you will feel more awake and alert. Try it!

Lady praying in field

Visualize landscapes

Another exercise that is closely related to meditation, and which helps to train intuition, is visualization. It is a useful tool that gives you greater control over your mind, emotions and body. The exercise is about learning relaxation techniques through realistically imagined situations.

Start by closing the islands and concentrate on your breath. Visualize a place that gives you a good feeling. It can be a green meadow full of tulips or the top of a mountain covered with snow and overlooking an entire mountain range.

Pay attention to the details of the landscape. The green color of the grass, the sound of the wind blowing over your skin, the petal blooming in full bloom… Hold on to all these details. Take a deep breath and gently open your eyes.

You will feel that you are calmer and more relaxed, as if you were actually present in this beautiful place. The result of this exercise is not only that you have increased your intuition, but you have also learned a relaxation technique that you can use when stress takes over your everyday life.

Set aside time for yourself

Loneliness scares us. If we think about it, it almost paralyzes us like terror. But that does not mean that it is not healthy to be alone once in a while. Because we both can and should!

Drawing of lady with stars in her hair

Sometimes we simply need to distance ourselves from everything that is going on around us to get a better perspective on things and be able to listen to the heart and the subconscious. “If I do this, will I feel good or bad?” “I do not completely trust my new colleague so I have to be careful” … ” I think this school is better for my son than the other”…

Relax, go for a walk and clear your head of everyday trivia. Disconnect and look to your innermost being and let it guide you. Life is made up of big decisions, so you will benefit from your intuition later if you develop it now. So why not get started?

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