6 Simple Meditation Exercises

When you feel stressed, these simple meditation exercises can help you. They do not require much time or training.
6 simple meditation exercises

Stress, like energy, builds up. The paradox is that by increasing the levels of the former, you decrease the level of the latter. In addition, both stress and energy can be fed by different sources. Stress, for example, can build up from many different problems. For this reason, we have decided to show you some simple meditation exercises that can help release some tension.

In this sense, meditation facilitates self-knowledge. It is a technique that is a thousand years old and very common in Buddhism and Hinduism. In recent years, it has become very popular in the West.

Among the many benefits of meditation, we can find a significantly improved concentration capacity. This can lead to other benefits, such as an improved memory. It also provides a path to physical and mental relaxation. Meditation can even strengthen our immune system.

6 simple meditation exercises

Without further ado, here are some simple meditation exercises that you can practice to reap all its benefits.

1. Focus on your breath

The first of our simple meditation exercises is also one of the easiest to incorporate into your daily life. It will be easier to do if we can sit in a relaxed position with our eyes half open.

At the same time, we should focus all our attention on our breath, without trying to change anything. We should just try to feel the air we breathe. As we do this, various distracting thoughts may arise in our heads. Our task will be to ignore them until they lose their power.

Woman practices simple meditation exercises with closed eyes

2. Countdown

This technique is simple and very useful for meditation. With your eyes closed, keep counting down from high numbers like 50 or 100 until you reach 0. The goal of this exercise is to focus our attention on a single activity so that we will not be distracted by any other emotion or stimuli.

Examine your own body

This is one of the most interesting simple meditation exercises. It consists of focusing on the different body parts. To do this, it is advisable to place ourselves in a quiet place. Then we need to focus our attention on every part of our body from head to toe.

We can tighten and release the different muscle groups just to be aware of their presence and their movements. This is a good way to perceive all the emotions of the body in detail.

4. Active observation

This exercise is based on observing our surroundings. To begin, we must sit down with our eyes closed. Then we have to open our eyes for a moment and close them again. Then we must reflect on what we have just seen.

Therefore, we can think of the different emotions the stimuli that reached us produced. We can list them and think about the shapes, colors and names of each item. In addition, if we do this exercise at home, it may be a good way to look at our home from a different perspective.

Man practices simple meditation exercises

5. Motion meditation

This simple meditation exercise is based on enjoying the pleasant emotions the body produces when it moves. We recommend doing it while you are in contact with nature.

To do this we can take long walks on the beach or in a forest. Enjoy the sun on your face, the wind, the plants or the water. This exercise can be another form of self-observation since we can think about the body’s movements as we walk.

6. Fire meditation

Finally, we can use fire as a symbolic element of purification to focus our meditation on. To do that, we can focus on a bonfire or something lighter, like the movements of the flame of a candle. This allows us to experience the feelings of the heat of the fire and the shadows it projects.

On the other hand , we can make a list of all the negative things in our lives and throw it into the flames. We can either do it in a symbolic or literal way. In any case, this will help us to free ourselves from the fears that block us.

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