9 Quotes To Restore Positive Energy

9 quotes to restore positive energy

There are quotes to regain positive energy when we need a little extra enthusiasm and optimism. Ultimately, sometimes it is enough just to change the direction of our thoughts to more positive things, to vibrate at the frequency where we put aside all negative things, and charge ourselves in the best possible way.

We know that the term “positive energy” is in vogue today, and that it somehow seems to be a bit far from the usual (or orthodox) terrain of psychology. But if we use it for personal growth and not just for spirituality, we will realize that it has a lot of potential to help our emotional and even psychological well-being.

We look at positive energy as everything that generates joy, motivation, feelings of well-being, goodness and a kind of magical extroversion where we fully embrace life. This is certainly fantastic, which, as strange as it may seem, the well-known Austrian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich has already explained in some ways.

According to him, man has something he called “orgone energy”. This is a vital and creative boost, which leads to satisfaction and enjoyment of experiences. His theory, formulated in the early 20th century, did not convince the scientific community of the time. However, this has a lot to do with the positive promise, which in a way we should all apply to in our daily lives.

Let’s look at some quotes that can help us achieve this.

Water lily

Quotes To Recover Positive Energy

The first thing we should understand about the positivity and energy that comes from this emotional state of ours is that it is not on the outside. This innovative and enthusiastic force cannot orient us if we are not receptive.

In addition, we will not even experience it if we move through our daily lives only engaged in our worries, tensions and anxieties. To allow a certain type of energy to reach us, we must first empty ourselves of negativity. Only then will we let the new energy come in, which can create a change…

Let us discover some ways to achieve this goal through these nine quotes to restore positive energy.

Turn on your willpower

The psychology of willpower reminds us that what we want is possible, as long as we trust ourselves. Albert Einstein knew this, and showed it to us through his work, in the world of physics, which is so full of emotion, pain, infinite will that is governed by the strength of the heart and a particular mind.

2. Do not lose hope

This is one of the best quotes for restoring positive energy, said by one of the most significant and inspiring figures of the twentieth century. Helen Keller was a writer and political activist who lost her hearing and sight when she was 19 months old. Being different did not undermine her courage and her ability to rise above the situation she was in.

Dark days do not last forever

All dark nights are followed by dawn. Every violent storm is followed by calm, and even a rainbow will smile at us. Every difficulty comes to an end, everything has its outcome and a kind of more or less successful end. Let us try to understand that difficult moments do not have to last forever.

Woman walks towards the sun

4. The potential in you

Sometimes we do this: We spend half our lives asleep, in drowsiness without being aware of our true potential. Whether because of our family or our social environment, we are not always able to ignite the spark we need to understand all we can really do for ourselves and for the world.

Let’s do it. Let us clear all the fog and negative energy that surrounds us to open our eyes to our inner self and discover the incredible potential we have.

5. Your mental focus

William James, philosopher, psychologist and brother of the wonderful writer Henry James, also left us one of the most accurate quotes to restore positive energy. Instead of seeking change on the outside, we must understand that our responsibility lies within us. Change your mindset and the world will change with you.

6. A life of meaning

We return to Helen Keller again to reflect on life, the universe and ourselves. If we are able to give meaning to everything around us, no matter how intangible it may seem, we will be saved. Why? He who gives meaning to life, has motivation, has purpose, has dreams…

Woman holding the sun

7. The value of your attitude

This is one of the best quotes for restoring positive energy said by a popular motivational motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar. Think about it for a moment. What really gives us greatness, what sets us apart from others and makes us respect ourselves, is not our skills, it is our attitude. Attitudes are man’s most powerful forces, those that lead us to our best achievements.

8. Life is change.

Carl Rogers, together with Abraham Maslow, shaped one of the most interesting approaches to psychology: humanism. This theory was seen as a quiet revolution at the time, as a force full of dynamism that for the first time saw human ability and inner potential to achieve what they want.

We can therefore all start this process, because life is not just about adapting to change. Most of the time we have to create them ourselves.

Hand against the sun

9. Dare to live

Let’s finish with a strong quote. We will end this list with quotes to regain positive energy with advice from the nineteenth-century Danish philosopher and theologian, Søren Kierkegaard. Existence, real existence, is above all experience, feelings, perception and it is a sensation.

Life is not a book to be read, but an infinite space where you can dance with all your might, where you let go, where you can be receptive, open, sensitive… That’s where true positive energy lies, in our longing after living.

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