The 5 Love Languages, According To Gary Chapman

The 5 languages ​​of love, according to Gary Chapman

We all know that there are thousands of ways to express love, different languages ​​of love. Therefore, it is likely that we have all had to deal with someone who expresses his love differently than us. But that does not make love any less true or genuine. We also sometimes come across people who do not seem to love at all. But here too they use only an unknown language.

Love, just like language, has many nuances. That is why Gary Chapman in 1995 describes the 5 love languages ​​he believes exist. He included both the way one expresses love and the way one receives it.

Each person tends to have two love languages ​​we are most comfortable expressing through and feeling loved by. A person may prefer to express love with one of the languages ​​of love, but at the same time prefer to receive it through another. The 5 love languages ​​that this author describes are as follows:

Physical contact

Physical contact is one of the simplest love languages, since it requires no words. People who prefer this language enjoy touch, hugs, etc. They feel safe in the arms of others or by holding hands. Young people, when this is one of their overriding love languages, feel relaxed when they are held or carried. They enjoy massages or sitting in the lap of people.

Older children (especially boys between the ages of 7 and 9) who like this type of love can express it in strange ways. This includes fighting, wrestling, football or basketball. Yet it is still a form of physical contact that makes them feel loved and cared for.

Love language: physical touch.

2. Words of confirmation

This group includes people who need words full of love and compliments. They are happy to hear nice words and motivation from a well-written verse. This way of expressing love contains love letters. If one of your love languages ​​is words of affirmation, you like to encourage people with your language.

Words have an incredible power over us, and they make their mark on our behavior, even if it only takes a few seconds to say the words. We must realize the power we have through the language of love with words of affirmation.

3. Quality time

Taking time out of our day for the people we love is a way of expressing how we feel about them. It means finding quality time in our busy schedule, whole and rewarding time, to be with a person in both body and soul. What you do together does not matter. What really matters is the person we spend time with.

4. Receiving gifts

Some people like to receive and give gifts. But it does not have to be material gifts or very expensive. Here is what is relevant, how considerate the gift is. And of course the love it is given through. It’s about getting to know the other person better  through small – but significant – gifts. In other words, gifts are a way of expressing love to another human being, but never a means of getting something back.

Couple in love sitting in the grass

5. Love language: Good deeds

Good deeds mean the things a person does as a way of communicating how they feel. There are many different examples of this: preparing a meal with love, taking care of the home you share, caring for the other person when they are sick. These are simple actions, but they show love.

Now you know what the 5 love languages ​​are. And now you can see how not everyone expresses love in the same way. There are all kinds of love languages ​​out there, and knowing about them opens the door to a world filled with nicer words, thoughtful gifts and warm embraces.

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