Are You Addicted To Chaos?

Are you addicted to chaos?

Being addicted to chaos  is more common than you might think. They are always at least fifteen minutes late, which explains why they always arrive late, running and out of breath. They apologize and blame the traffic.

They are always desperate at the end of the month, when the bills come and they for the tenth time realize that they have bought more than they could afford and now have a serious problem. Everything is gone, they never find anything and they tend to always misunderstand information.

They are also bullies. They are the kind of people who argue about everything. They accuse the merchant when the price of biscuits rises. They complain to the taxi driver that he is driving too slowly, even though the traffic is standing and he does not have the chance to move forward. They are always arguing about something or with someone.

Those who are addicted to chaos are also some real mess. Their wardrobes are reminiscent of battlefields. Next to a sweater you may find an orange, and under a pile of clothes may be the keys to the front door that they lost two months ago. If anyone questions their clutter, they deny it. They say they do not have time, that order is for those who do not have “enough to do”.

The dependence on chaos and its physical origin

All abuse is to some extent related to the addiction to a drug. In the case of chaos addiction, the drug is found inside the body itself and is called “adrenaline”. In the strictest sense, one can say that to be addicted to chaos is actually to be addicted to adrenaline. This is why they seek out and create situations that generate this substance.

Person dependent on chaos

Chaos is defined as disorder, absence of context, clutter and dissolution. When a person is confronted with such situations, they develop defense mechanisms or go on the attack. At the same time, these reactions are accompanied by a number of chemical changes. The most important of them is the production of adrenaline and cortisol, the stress hormones.

Many people want to be free from all stress, while those who depend on chaos, on the other hand, feel a fateful attraction to everything that puts them off balance. There is a pleasure in the experience of excitement and of being in constant defense mode.

The problems arise when the threatening situation is resolved, or as it can also happen, that the body experiences a decline or an interruption in the production of this substance. What follows is a depressive state, which the addict only gets out of if they seek out new problems, generate new conflicts or make new mistakes.

To be addicted to chaos: Overcome it

As a rule,  any addiction fulfills the function of covering up a far more profound conflict, which has not been satisfactorily resolved. This compulsive  tendency to create new problems is nothing more than a strategy to get attention, in the sense that these problems reproduce as viruses and always require quick solutions.

Woman in red and blue

Anxiety is an imprecise form of fear, precisely because it fails to identify an object to address. Put another way: you feel scared, but you are unable to identify the danger, where it is, or whether it exists at all. It is experienced only as an invasive form of fear.

By generating chaotic situations, one unconsciously fulfills two goals: one finds a goal one can direct the anxiety towards and allows this anxiety to appear with all force, lives it out, and then apparently, directs it towards a specific set of defense mechanisms. But since the underlying problem remains, it becomes necessary to start this cycle over and over again. It ends up being a life pattern.

It is not easy to get out of any kind of abuse or addiction, this one included. The most important thing is to realize what the underlying conflict is, the one that always puts you in trouble. But to get there, you have to go deep within yourself, which can be facilitated by the use of methods such as meditation and therapy.

What is recommended, in principle, is to practice being alone, to be quiet and calm, so that the body stops fighting against the absence of tension, so that the restlessness can disappear. In addition, we make it easier for the subconscious to open up, so that the old, unprocessed sorrows can emerge.

Man rides in the air under umbrellas


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