Drinkoreksi: A New Eating Disorder You May Not Have Heard Of

People who suffer from drink addiction are very concerned about their weight. Despite this, they do not prefer to see health professionals who can show them proper, nutritious diets to follow.
Drinking: a new eating disorder you may not have heard of

Although not many people know about this new eating disorder, it is on the rise. Drinking dyslexia is a very serious eating disorder that is present in today’s society. Those who suffer from alcoholism choose to replace the calories that food provides with those in alcoholic beverages for the purpose of losing weight.

Not eating the right amount of food can lead to an anemic process that can have serious consequences in the long run. In addition, think of all the harm a person does to their body when they consume large amounts of alcohol regularly. If you add fasting to the equation, it’s a recipe for disaster. This condition involves two really big problems: an eating disorder and an alcohol addiction.

To drink instead of eat

People who suffer from drink addiction are very concerned about their weight. Despite this, they do not prefer to see health professionals who can show them proper, nutritious diets to follow. As in any other eating disorder, they take their obsession with losing weight to the extreme where they stop eating and decide to drink alcohol in large amounts instead.

The main goal of people with drinkorexia is to lose weight by doing the two things mentioned above. On the one hand, they ruthlessly inhibit the intake of food and on the other hand, they consume too much alcohol. They consider the latter as a substitute for their diet. This can be so dangerous to one’s health that it can lead to death.

Man with a bottle of alcohol.


Experts consider drinkorexia to be an eating disorder that is not specified in any other way (EDNOS), which in many cases go hand in hand with bulimia and anorexia. On several occasions, these people induce vomiting to get rid of the extra calories that alcohol may have given them.

However, there may be cases of drinkorexia that are not related to other eating disorders. Basically, the person eats very little (and unhealthy) and drinks alcohol very regularly.

Physical consequences of drinkorexia

The most serious consequence of drinkorexia is the possibility of going into ethyl coma. A large amount of alcohol in the blood can cause this. Remember that people absorb alcohol more easily and faster when they consume it on an empty stomach, which is exactly what they do with drink addiction. This can cause the whole organism to collapse because it is impossible to counteract such dehydration. Alcohol overdose can cause cirrhosis and death.

In addition, malnutrition can cause anemia, which is usually a very clear symptom. Low levels of vitamins and minerals can cause amenorrhea, muscle weakness and difficulty falling asleep and concentrating, among other things.

More consumption gives greater tolerance

The difficulty behind overcoming any addiction lies in the growing need to consume more and more of the drug in order to achieve the desired effect. This phenomenon is known as “tolerance”. For example, the first day, we only needed 2 glasses of alcohol to feel a pleasant feeling. On the third day we needed 3. Two weeks later we felt the need to drink 5. This goes on and on until the required amounts are colossal.

This phenomenon occurs in drinkorexia. Every time someone adopts this addictive behavior, they begin to demand a higher alcohol intake to suppress their appetite.

Woman with drinkorexia.

Population at risk

Today, young people are consuming more and more alcohol. On many occasions, they skip meals because they know they want to drink alcohol in the evening. Young women are the ones who tend to be most concerned about their physical appearance. However, it is important to note that many young men are also unsure of their identity and body.

Therefore, parents need to be aware of possible indicators of this type of behavior, especially as children develop. Preventive education is important. It is also important to talk to them about the negative effects of malnutrition and alcoholism.

Treatment for drinkorexia

Drinking dyslexia is an eating disorder that has not yet been mentioned in psychological diagnostic manuals. However, it must be treated as a whole. On the one hand, a clinical and toxicological control must be performed with blood tests that enable medical professionals to know the patient’s condition. On the other hand, psychological therapy and nutritional counseling are necessary.

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