Simplify The Present With These Three Questions

Simplify the present with these three questions

“Enjoy the present” is an overly used term that we do not actually use as much as we should. Living in the present means reflecting on our existence, on a personal and professional level. This is something that very few people currently do. What can we do to simplify the present?

Maybe due to lack of time or daily stress, we put aside healthy habits. For example, to check how we are doing and stop to enjoy the moment of the day. We forget how important it is to ask ourselves how we feel or how we can enjoy life more. The answers to these questions enable us to develop and manage our personal growth in a more efficient way.

Anthony Robbins, one of the most famous life coaches in the world, said: “The quality of your life is based on the quality of the questions you ask yourself daily.” That is why reflecting on how we live, on how we simplify the present, and what we will do in the future, will help us enjoy our “here and now” more.

Enjoying our inner well-being means simplifying our way of life. At the same time, we must ensure that we go the one that will lead us to an environment filled with enriching people, while at the same time making it easier for us to get better and get what we want. To simplify the moment, ask yourself these 3 questions.

a person walking barefoot in the grass

Why are you making an effort at the present moment? – Simplify the present

It is true that not all people make an effort to reach a goal, or just to feel better, but instead let time pass while they unconsciously complain about not making any progress. If you feel this way, identify what efforts you are making each day, keeping in mind the goals you want to achieve.

Both aspects are important to simplify the present and enjoy it. It is not enough to have a goal that you are not working to achieve. It is also not useful to make an effort without knowing clearly what you are doing it for. However , most do not take these two variables into account. If you have ever asked the people around you why they have a routine and why they are stressed, they will probably answer that they just did what they had to do.

Asking ourselves why we are making an effort will help us realize that we usually stress over the things we still do not have and forget what we actually have. The answer to this question may lead you to believe that you will never feel good or happy until you get everything you think you need. On the contrary, when you start putting in the effort to reach your goal, you will notice how your well-being increases almost immediately.

What is holding you back and what can you let go of?

Holding on to something or someone, even if it hurts us, is a habit that all people have had since birth. We find ourselves in a lot of activities and keep bad habits that we can not let go of.

We know very well the power that some toxic people have on our self-confidence, beliefs and emotions. These bad influences hurt us in ways that, ironically, we are unable to let go of.

Therefore, if you want to start simplifying the moment to enjoy it more, think about what you might be holding on to at the moment and let go of it. Once you find what it is, you will realize that your problems are often completely inevitable.

Simplifying the present is about letting go of everything that distracts you from the here and now.

woman releases birds

Who do you want to spend more time with?

One of the most famous quotes in the world about personal development is: “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”. But most of us have not consciously chosen the people we want to spend our time with. You should start thinking about who you want to be around in order to enjoy here and now more.

To do that, try to visualize the people who contribute the most to your life. How can you prioritize their company? Despite the fact that it is sometimes difficult, you limit the rest of the activities that do not contribute to anything in your life, and you will see that it becomes possible. Take care of the people who bring value and set aside some weekly time to hang out with them.

Furthermore, appreciate what other members of your group can offer you. Remember not to spend time with those who do not want to be around you. Simplify your existence by being only with those who are truly worth it. Think about letting go of the rest of the people while thanking them for being a part of your life.

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