Anxiolytics: The Pills Found On Bedside Tables Everywhere

Many doctors give us medication without addressing the cause of the problems. By not grasping the root of the problem, it will not go away.
Anxiolytics: The pills found on bedside tables everywhere

Anxiolytics are medications that doctors prescribe to control anxiety. Some also call them “alcohol in pill form”, referring to their potentially addictive nature and how easily they can be used and abused. These days, you can find anxiolytics on bedside tables everywhere. They are overwritten and overused.

We live in a society that is dependent on medication. It is too easy to turn to prescription drugs to try to solve problems.

An anxious guy on a mountain

The active ingredient in anxiolytics

These days we know how and where anxiolytics (benzodiazepines) work to a greater extent than other drugs that are supposed to treat psychiatric and mental problems. They favor the action of the neurotransmitter GABA. GABA is present in more than 30% of neural synapses. GABA’s function is to get in the way of neural electrical impulses. So, what GABA really does is reduce the tension in neural activity.

The receptors on which benzodiazepines act are not only related to anxiety. These receptors also play a role in memory and motor abilities. Consequently, the effect of benzodiazepines is not specific and tends to have quite a few side effects.

A girl with anxiety

Should anxiolytics be the first or only option?

We get anxiety when our thoughts go faster than life itself. However, it is true that anxiety is not good or bad in itself as an emotional response. It becomes pathological if it limits you for a certain period of time. In addition, it can also be a problem if it gets in the way of your experiences and growth.

In this regard, Dubin (2009) wrote: “Should we really be embarrassed about anxiety attacks? No. I see anxiety attacks as analogous to the physical response of having to vomit. Vomiting is not good or bad. This is something that happens and usually serves to empty your stomach of harmful contaminants. But you will never throw up in public, right? The first thing you would do if you started to feel nauseous is to look for the nearest bathroom to avoid embarrassment. Vomiting is not something you want to do in front of other people. The same goes for anxiety attacks. “[Translation]

Use pills to numb the pain

If you use pills regularly, they become a painkiller for life in general. They numb your senses and thoughts. They can help you get rid of pain without having to address its root causes. Taking anxiolytics is like turning off the fire alarm when the fire is still burning.

This is a very unhealthy habit. Using and abusing these medicines does not free us from their effects. In some cases, we may use medication to control the intensity of our unhappiness caused by anxiety. Still , medication is not the only treatment people should try.

When we suffer from anxiety, we need to rehabilitate our minds. We need to learn about how to be in the world, and we need help with that. That is why it is important to get psychiatrists and psychologists involved. If you get help, you can avoid addiction to strong medications. You can also solve your problems in a healthy way instead of turning to the pills on your bedside table.

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