Mental Violence Leaves Traces On The Body

Psychological violence not only leaves traces on the mind; This type of violence leaves traces on the body as well. This has actually been proven.
Psychological violence leaves traces on the body

Psychological violence not only leaves traces on the mind; This type of violence leaves traces on the body as well. This has actually been proven. There are many diseases and ailments that science has not been able to treat or cure, because their roots go so deep that no pill you can pick up at the pharmacy will make you better.

Although we all know that body and mind function as a whole, we usually examine them separately. But the truth is that anything that will affect your emotions will also affect your body. A situation that is as traumatic as psychological violence is of course not an exception to this rule.

There is a widespread myth about just this. Unfortunately, this myth claims that psychological violence is less significant and has fewer serious consequences than physical violence. However, psychological violence is just as harmful – perhaps even worse.

Sometimes it can go so far as to leave physical traces similar to the traces of physical violence. Read on to learn more about the three most significant traces of psychological violence left on the body.

1. Emotional or nervous gastritis

First we will explain what gastritis is. It is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which is the protective layer inside the stomach itself. The main symptoms of gastritis are sharp pains in the abdominal region, a burning sensation in the abdomen, and a lot of stomach acid. The symptoms can be so severe that they are perceived as paralyzing.

Psychological violence leaves physical problems

There are also various emotional symptoms that come with this type of gastritis. The most obvious symptoms are anxiety, stress, nervousness and tension. The main cause of this problem is anxiety.

Often, emotional or nervous gastritis is a physical effect of mental violence that a person inflicts on themselves (self-inflicted). They demand a lot of themselves, and this puts them in a constant emotional tension.

Then this tension will lead to states of stress, which eventually develop into anxiety. These people no longer listen to their bodies. They hurt and attack themselves, and most of the time they are not even aware of it.

2. Hypertension

Hypertension is also one of the traces of mental violence left on the body. As humans, we have evolved to be ready to respond to a dangerous situation. Both body and mind will react to the danger that arises, and both will react in different ways to protect us.

Hypertension can be one of the traces that psychological violence leaves behind

Our blood pressure rises when we experience dangerous situations. Then our body must get ready to either defend itself, or flee. When the danger disappears or the situation is resolved, everything goes back to normal. But if the danger is in your head, you will constantly be in a state of alertness. This in itself will cause the blood pressure to remain high for extended periods. Your mind tells your body that it needs to be awake and alert.

People who constantly feel attacked or looked down on usually develop hypertension. In other words, they are constantly in a defensive state due to psychological violence. These are most often people in harmful environments with a high number of conflicts.

3. Red eyes

Having red eyes usually does not come with other symptoms. Your eyes do not hurt, and it is not disturbing in any way, nor does it affect your vision. Red eyes may appear “randomly” and then slowly disappear again. Researchers are not sure why red eyes occur. But that does not mean that there are not many ideas about this. Some of these ideas look at red-eye as one of the traces left by psychological violence.

From a psychosomatic point of view, red eyes can be a sign of psychological violence. They are almost the result of an emotional blow to the face, where you suppress causes as well as consequences. In other words, your body reacts just as if you had been hit in the face. It does not matter that it was not a physical blow.

There are several ideas about whether red eyes can be a trace of mental violence left on the body

One can also look at red eyes as a wound from something you have seen, or something you see often. It does not have to be a physical thing. It is a way for your mind to tell you (through your body) that you are suffering from what you see and experience. From this perspective, it makes sense that red-eye occurs in situations where psychological violence is present.

Psychological violence leaves destruction

It’s sad, but we usually do not pay as much attention to emotional health as physical health. We do this even though we know very well that they are not separate. However, that is a big mistake.

Negative events, such as psychological violence, not only cause physical illness, they can also cause death. That’s why it’s so incredibly important to take care of your thoughts and respect your own feelings and emotions: your life depends on it.

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