Lost Property: A Video About Overcoming Powerful Blows

Lost Property: A video about overcoming powerful blows

Sometimes life strikes you with very powerful  blows.  It’s not always easy and colorful, but you still have to keep confronting it with your whole being. You will sometimes have thoughts in your head like “why me?” or “I do not deserve this!”, but it has nothing to do with whether you deserve it or not. The things that might happen to you are surrounded by darkness. But it is in your hands to see the light in all the black.

One of the most difficult experiences someone can go through is dementia. It is a disease that directly affects your memory, or the people you love the most. When you have it, you lose many of your memories. You also forget who people are. But is there another way to look at this?

Take a look at this short video about dementia (in English).

You have to face the blows with patience

There is a great lesson you can learn from this. One you can even use in your daily life. When life hits you hard and you feel like you’ve lost everything, you may feel the need to push back. Or you can rush into actions that will reverse the situation or make up for it as quickly as possible. But you forget to be patient .

We generally do not handle uncertainty very well. The fact is that not knowing what might happen to you in the future can cause a lot of anxiety. This will make you feel like you are on the edge of a precipice with no clear bottom. This plunge has a lot to do with the feeling of loss of control that unexpected, negative events and news can bring.

So what are you going to do? You have to have patience and perseverance. You need to stop expecting to solve every problem overnight and start focusing on the small steps to make things better. Take these steps with great effort and above all a great dose of hope.

Facing powerful blows that bring your way with patience does not mean that you have lost hope. It just means that you should try to use love and live with this insecurity where you do not know what will happen tomorrow. You know what will happen today. Because here and now it is really you who is in control.

The little things make it all worth it

Another lesson is to focus on the little things, even if they seem insignificant. This is because a lot of the time you can find your own happiness in them. But sometimes the years have to go by, and you have to reach the same age as the main characters in the short film before you realize it.

We always chase big dreams, try to collect things, and want countless riches. But the things that are really valuable are found in the smallest things, the ones you can barely see. When someone has dementia, the big dreams crumble together. Collected things no longer make sense. What do you have left? And here’s the magic.

Grab life while it’s there for you

A lot of the time, it seems like life has to hit you hard for you to open your eyes and really notice all the things you do not value. The strange thing is that they have always been within reach. They were not things you had to try to get. They were there, you just had to appreciate them! But you did not do it because your attention was elsewhere.

Although the blows life gives you, powerful blows that cause suffering, you should not ignore a positive aspect they definitely have – they help you open your eyes. We all live on a constant autopilot that leads us to nothing more than multiple setbacks and unexpected problems.

Now is the time to stop waiting for things to happen. That way, you can begin to appreciate the little things, the life you have. You can start cultivating patience to face everything that did not turn out to be as you wanted. These are valuable lessons. Love, gratitude for the little things, and a small change in your perspective can be the start of a wonderful journey with the person you love the most. Even if their reality and yours are not on the same line.

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