Emily Dickinson: The Biography Of An Enigmatic Woman

One of the most enigmatic women in American poetry is Emily Dickinson. It is clear that she broke boundaries through her writing over and over again. She was a unique woman who has created many legends from her life.
Emily Dickinson: The Biography of an Mysterious Woman

Emily Dickinson is considered one of the greatest poets of all time. Therefore, it is strange that she only published six successful poems during her life.

She was an enigmatic woman to the point where scholars still did not understand many aspects of her life, which is a subject of all speculation.

One of these mysteries is that she wrote over 300 passionate love poems… for some. No one knows who this great love was, especially since she never had a romantic partner. Emily Dickinson actually died single, and probably as a virgin.

In addition, it is not clear if any of her habits were eccentricities or if she suffered from a more serious emotional problem. What is obvious is that she was an extraordinary poet who is now compared to other greats like Edgar Allan Poe or Walt Whitman.

An open book that is out there

Emily Dickinson had a happy childhood

Emily Dickinson was born into a very privileged family in New England. Her family had strong Protestant and Puritan traditions, which greatly influenced her life and poetry. However, she has never completely defined her style. Sometimes she seemed like a classic mystic. Other times she seemed pagan.

Emily was born on December 10, 1830 in Amherst, Massachusetts. Her father was an important government figure, as were other family members.

Her family opened one of the first girls’ schools. It was rare at the time when girls rarely received a formal education.

The future poet went to primary school there and learned about basic science. She also received piano lessons from her aunt and other private classes, which include gardening and gardening, which were tasks she loved until her last day in life. In the same way, she was a supporter of astronomy.

A distinctive young woman

Emily Dickinson went to study at a seminar for young people when she completed her basic education. She studied academically, but her main goal was to educate religious missionaries.

The teachers suggested that she devote herself to this activity, but after much deliberation, she decided not to do so. Thus, she graduated as a “non-proselyte”.

She actually left the seminar due to health issues. Scholars know that she was a fan of poetry and loved to invent stories for her classmates from a very young age. When she was out of seminary, she went back to her parents and stayed there for the rest of her life.

Two men aroused great interest in her. One was Benjamin Franklin Newton, a sharp and intelligent man who came into her life to recommend reading material and flatter her intelligence. However, this possible suitor had tuberculosis, and it was perhaps for this reason that he was kept away from her. He died shortly after, which deeply hurt her.

The other man was Charles Wadsworth, a pastor who was also a pianist. He was married and allegedly kept a distance between them to avoid “falling into temptation.” However, this has not been fully confirmed. She admired him deeply, but he also died.

Emily Dickinson

Eccentricities and genius

Many cinemas speculate that her love poems were dedicated to these men. A more plausible theory, however, is that her love went to Susan Gilbert. She was her childhood friend, but also her brother’s wife. This may explain why there are so many mysteries surrounding her relationship and devotion.

Emily Dickinson not only refused to publish her works, but even refused to share them with those closest to her. As a result, only six of her 1,800 poems were published during her lifetime.

She spent the last 15 years of her life secluded. First at home and then in his room. She also adopted the habit of just dressing in white.

During that time, she only went out to take care of her garden and spent the rest of the day indoors. She died of kidney problems on May 15, 1886.

Her younger sister and faithful admirer, Vinnie, found 40 volumes of poetry in notebooks that Emily had hidden away. It was Vinnie who shared this extraordinary work with the world.

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