There Are Magical People Around Us Everywhere

There are magical people all around us. These are people who give you joy, who allow you to fly, to shine and to vent your frustrations. You understand each other, and you are always there for each other.

You do not always have to say, “I’m on your side,” because words are unnecessary. Sometimes you just click with someone, as if the tune of love came from nowhere and led you straight to them. The bond between you is healthy, clear and open to new relationships. Their friendship consists of these sincere looks that lift the weight off your shoulders and help you overcome your obstacles. 


True friends can be spoken on one hand

Those who are truly your friends, you can count on one hand. This is a truth that virtually no one can deny. This is the natural way things are, so you can not put all your expectations, your feelings, thoughts and interests on everyone who passes you through life.

There are some people that you get a special connection with, and the experiences you get with these people, connect you and meet your social needs. As Aristotle once said; we are social animals, and therefore we need these bonds with other people for us to feel whole.

Magical people have incredible social and emotional qualities. They offer us their support, they save us and guide us. In other words, they are both socially and emotionally intelligent.

children who have dressed up

The two most important ingredients in social intelligence

Social intelligence is defined as the ability to relate to other people. According to  Daniel Goleman, you need two important ingredients to have good social intelligence.

  • Social awareness:  this is the ability to be aware of the other person’s inner state, to perceive their non-verbal emotional signal and to understand their feelings, their thoughts and their intentions. This implies:
    • To follow and to really listen.
    • To allow the other person to speak straight from the heart.
    • To allow the conversation to take a certain direction.
    • Knowing how people are going to function on a social level so you can decode the social signals they send out.
  • Social ability: this is the ability to establish good relationships and create bonds, and to always be aware of the needs of others. In addition to being socially aware, you need to know how to carry out fluid and effective exchanges. To be able to do that, you need:
    • To learn how to best introduce yourself.
    • To care about the needs of others, and act in a way that meets them.
two wooden figures

To sum up, social intelligence is more than just taking the time to listen, you actually also have to tune in to other people’s feelings and allow a more intimate and lasting relationship to emerge. Magical people are socially and emotionally intelligent, giving them a gift when it comes to expressing themselves that attracts other people to them.

As we said earlier, some relationships give us an opportunity to share something that really touches us. These conditions make us full of life, encourage us to become better people, and bring light into the dark areas of our souls.

While it may seem out of reach, social and emotional intelligence is something we can all achieve. So do not rule out the possibility that crossing the path of magical people or sharing your own magic with others may result in something amazing.

Photos: Kristina Webb and Anne Soline

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