How To Solve Problems According To Einstein

How to solve problems according to Einstein

We have waited for mental actions that prevent us from touching the concrete reality: by continuously creating lists of tasks and problems that require solutions to preserve our  well-being .  The problem is that we age and that the  puzzles and barriers we generate can sometimes lead to significant blockages. Are you good at solving problems?

It can drive us to be someone we really are not, or to live in conflict with what we really think and believe. A good way to solve any obstacle is related to our “inner being”.  Here we are talking about practicing attitudes, such as will, continuity, and knowing how to analyze your surroundings in a practical way.

What we learn over time is that all situations, even those we experience as negative, sooner or later give us valuable experiences that promote our personal development. To facilitate your problem-solving ability, today we will give you some of Albert Einstein’s best advice, which he himself used in his work to get out of mental blockages.

Become better at solving problems: Rephrase the task

Often we do not stop to see how we can make it easier for ourselves to solve a task. Well, one tool we can use is to reformulate our task highly for ourselves.

Woman trying to solve problems

In this way we become our own audience, and by hearing our own voice we can see the situation in a different perspective. And if we are not alone, then maybe we can get help from others in this process.

Remember the power of words and how we can use them to our advantage. So take your time and reformulate your task in a proper way.

An example of how we reformulate a problem has to do with how we place the actors in the problem. For example, “trying to be promoted” is not the same as “trying to rise in the ranks.” In the first example it is the other person who is in power, in the second example it is you. In both cases, the goal is the same: promotion.

It is also not the same to formulate a challenge in general – “I will try to rise in the ranks” – as to divide the problems into different phases: I have to get to work earlier, I have to be more accurate in the way I present my reports on, I have to attend more meetings etc.

From question mark to light bulb

Understand the context of the problem

One of the first mental actions spies take when they are in a new place is to locate possible exits. By this I do not mean that you have to identify potential outcomes from your problem, but when solving problems, the best thing you can do is to familiarize yourself with the problem itself and with the context in which you have to solve it.

There are many important elements when we talk about context. First, the most delicate parts – the most delicate objects – come to the problem. Knowing where these parts are located will make you start by protecting these areas in the event that you may also need to protect yourself. Then your abilities will develop yourself in this context.

Woman trying to solve problems

Work with the resources you have, whether it is about human (support groups), material or time. This is important as it is often wise to start working on the context before going face to face with the problem itself.  Whether it’s about getting help from someone you find relevant, learning more about a certain aspect or trying to extend your time frame.

Think of your problem as a valuable experience

A problem has the virtue that it forces us out of our comfort zone, challenges us and tests our skills. By confronting them, we get an idea of ​​what they are. We may have a whole drawer full of diplomas, but what good is it if we can not solve problems that arise in certain professions?

If you can see that a problem has something to offer, then you will also find the motivation to confront it  and to get up again when you stumble.  You want to create a narrative that you can integrate into your life and that turns a problem into something much more than an annoying experience or a tough challenge.

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