How Insecure People Resort To Intellectual Bullying

How insecure people resort to intellectual bullying

When we think of bullying, we usually associate it with different types of physical and verbal aggression. We connect it more to people of school age, and find that it often takes place online, through social networks. But there are also other more subtle ways to bully and intimidate others, for example through humiliation and sarcasm. This type of harassment is known as intellectual bullying or threats.

Intellectual bullying has received far less attention and recognition than other forms of bullying that are better known. However, this does not make it any less harmful. In fact, this form of psychological violence not only has consequences in adulthood. It is also very painful for those who are exposed to it in childhood.

Intellectual bullying and hierarchy

Intellectual “hierarchy” is a way of classifying people according to their pedagogical and school qualifications. We learn to practice this classification from childhood. At the top of the hierarchy we find those who have higher education, training and qualifications. At the bottom are those who have received little education, and have very few qualifications. The problem arises when people who occupy the top of the hierarchy unjustifiably underestimate those who hold lower positions.

Children have been bullied

This “intellectual superiority” that some demonstrate and use to discredit others is a type of psychological harassment known as intellectual bullying or harassment. We should not overlook this attitude because of the great damage and suffering it causes. In fact, intellectual bullying is not very different from physical bullying. Both affect the victim’s self-esteem in a negative way.

Researchers say that humiliation, regardless of form, activates areas of the brain that are related to pain. This triggers a more intense and lasting response than joy, and a worse response than anger.

One of the most cruel behaviors there is is to humiliate another person. Here are the types of people who often perform this type of behavior.

The intellectual bully

The “intellectual bully” is usually more intelligent than the average person. Because of this, he will consider himself superior to those around him. Consequently, this mindset leads him to use humiliation, contempt and sarcasm against other people. He does this to “confirm” his apparent superiority. All he really does with this behavior is deceive the insecurities he is trying to hide from others.

Another characteristic of the intellectual bully is his condescending attitude. The uncertainty that plagues him hides behind his big words and arrogant sentences, which he uses to confirm his intelligence and superiority. Therefore, he uses very technical, rare and flashy words to make others feel stupid and inferior to himself.

Here’s a question that might make you think: Is it not exactly this type of people who are honored and praised in the media?  Don’t the most popular shows that audiences love to watch on TV have these kinds of attitudes?

In one way, people who use physical violence are more likely to learn their lesson, they understand that their actions will not be accepted in a civilized society. However, it is easier for  intellectual bullies to gain status in society as a result of their intelligence. This is because their “intellectual superiority” is often rewarded. This situation means that they continue to demonstrate their perceived intelligence, without being questioned about their troublesome and humiliating attitude.

Consequences of intellectual bullying

Intellectual bullying has devastating long-term effects.  Studying in competitive environments where “intellectual superiority” is valued causes deep, long-lasting emotional and psychological trauma.

People who fall victim to this type of harassment often suffer serious damage to their self-esteem, so they stop taking the initiative and are thus demoralized. We should not forget that this type of harassment is the cause of a high proportion of suicides among young people.

However, intellectual bullying or threats also have consequences for the bully. In the long run, the intellectual bully ends up being a victim of his own game. On the one hand, people around them discover what cruel and toxic people they are, and choose to stay away. On the other hand, their insecurities, which made them humble others, prevent them from fully developing and taking full advantage of their potential.

Children at school are bullied

Education is also about learning compassion and humility

The intellectual bullying is mainly due to a lack of compassion. When the bully hurts his victim, they do so on purpose. If they really cared about the person’s feelings, they would not have bothered or bullied them in the first place. Therefore, one of the solutions to this intellectual hierarchy problem is obviously that the person must learn to realize the need for compassion and empathy. Instead of trying to fit into an intellectual hierarchy, we should use our knowledge, make it a part of our nature, and use it to help others.

As Aristotle said, “educating the mind without educating the heart is not education at all.” From this point of view, both “intelligent” and “subordinate” are advantageously equal to each other. The latter gain a better understanding of the world, while the former learn to be more compassionate and humble.

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