11 Of The Best Ways To Treat Depression

11 of the best ways to treat depression

There is not just one way to treat depression. Each person has their own black holes and hidden strengths. There are many different strategies that can be used to awaken these forces and calm the desperation, sleepless nights, fear and apathy. Everyone is a prisoner in their own prison, and not all cells are unlocked with the same key.

When you are diagnosed with depression, something changes in you. On the one hand, you feel relieved that you have finally received a medical diagnosis that can explain all the distress, exhaustion, crying and  sadness. It is a starting point to get the help you need. But you also ask yourself the classic question –  now what? Will my life be full of medication and therapy from this point on?

Sometimes we have limited views on how depression should be treated. Antidepressants are not the only strategy, and sometimes they are not even necessary. This is something that only a professional should decide. It is also important to know that  dealing with a disruptive psychological condition is like a journey  to find the best way home, to get back to your own personal balance, to regain the strength you lost. The following techniques can help people with depression on this journey.


1. Collaboration between different professionals

People are increasingly seeing that primary health care providers prescribe antidepressants and  anxiolytics  too often. These doctors are usually the starting point for treatment for people seeking help, the first person they go to say that they can not go on, that they need to sleep, to relax, to stop crying so much. But they are not experts in mental illness.

To treat depression properly and comprehensively, we need more strategies, more professionals working together. It is important that medical centers also have psychologists and psychiatrists who can work in synchronization with the primary health services. Even social workers are extremely helpful in most cases – do not forget that in recent years we have seen that the populations most affected by depression are those with the least resources.

2. Cognitive behavioral therapy

The most successful therapeutic approach to treating depression so far is cognitive behavioral therapy. When combined with medication, significant progress can be made.

This therapy focuses on the person’s thought patterns, breaks down irrational ideas and promotes a progressive change in thinking. Patients learn to regain control and be more logical and realistic.


3. Interpersonal psychotherapy

As we said, there is not just one way to treat depression. There are many different ways, and it is necessary to find the one that best suits the person’s needs. While cognitive behavioral therapy tends to be one of the most effective, there are other useful approaches as well.

Interpersonal psychotherapy is useful when depression is the result of problems in the patient’s interpersonal relationships  (such as a breakup or loss of a loved one). The goal is for the patient to cope with stressful life events that happened, work on their self-esteem and develop strategies to improve relationships with others.

4. Emotionally focused therapy

Greenberg’s emotionally focused therapy is a combination of Rogerian humanistic therapy and Gestalt therapy. It is very useful in treating depression, with the aim of helping the patient to identify, implement and treat their emotions. The therapist provides a safe environment where the patient can relieve their anxiety and work through difficult emotions.

5. Physical exercise

People with major depression often lack the strength and motivation to swim, bike or go to a zumba class. But  whenever possible, it is best for them to leave home, feel the warmth of the sun, listen to the sounds of nature or the outdoors in general, and  then  go for a walk .  Just go.

Something as simple as  walking for 20 minutes a day can be very beneficial.

Man out listening to music

6. Good diet

Eating well will not make the depression go away, but it will strengthen the immune system and give the brain the nutrients it needs to favor the release of neurotransmitters that will help you feel better.

We recommend fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, omega-3 fatty acids and foods rich in magnesium.

7. St. John’s wort / St. John’s wort to treat depression

There are studies that suggest  St. John  ‘s wort is a useful complementary tool for treating mild or moderate depression. Just remember to see a specialist to find out what is the right dose for you.

8. Get a different opinion

There are many patients who do not show any improvement after trying various pharmacological and psychological treatments. At this point, it is best to get a different opinion about your diagnosis. This is because  personality disorders and other problems can hide behind depression and go unnoticed.

9. Social support

Medication can treat depression but not cure it. Psychotherapy can treat it and help the patient to develop coping strategies, but can also not cure it. What can? To have the psychological support of others, trust them, and feel understood and that they care. This will work with the rest of the strategies to make the treatment successful.

So let’s surround ourselves with people who can help us overcome difficult situations.

Hands hold the sun

10. New hobbies and interests

Your mind may not be receptive to finding new hobbies that motivate you and act as reinforcement, but introducing small activities that you enjoy into your daily life, that help you relax and that you enjoy, can be an effective strategy for to deal with depression.

Painting, writing, music and yoga are just a few examples  of such joyful activities.

11. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

After recovering from a depression, there is still a risk of relapse. After two or three years, the depression may come and knock on the door again.

To prevent this from happening, mentality-based cognitive therapy is an ideal technique. You can use breathing techniques and meditation every day to work your way through the negative thoughts  that pop into your mind like weeds.

The most important thing to understand is that there is not just one way to treat depression – there are dozens, maybe even hundreds. You just have to find the combination of strategies that best suits your own needs. Seeking the help of a psychologist or a psychiatrist can guide you towards the light that these strategies offer.

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