Hateful People Create Toxic Environments

Hateful people create toxic environments

Hateful people create toxic environments full of contagious negativity. We feel it at home and at work, where the air seems polluted, where stress and fear are striking, and unhappiness permeates.

Work environment experts usually categorize organizations into “toxic environments” and “nourishing environments”. For some reason we can immediately feel it.

Although there are standard variables for objective, rigorous measurements, it is sometimes enough to just go through one workplace. You breathe in the tension, the discomfort and the pressure, and see it written on employees’ faces.

The same thing happens at the family level : You feel it through the language used, the tone and the attitude of each family member. Toxic environments exist. They are shaped by negative emotions, insecurity, aggressive language and systemic stress. And it is very difficult to protect against them.

Let’s dig deeper…

Scared girl in red dress hiding from toxic environments

Unhappiness reigns in toxic environments

The term “toxic people” is popular right now. However, we must be careful not to abuse it. Sometimes we put this label on a person who is actually living with depression, anxiety disorder or any number of clinical problems. Let’s be sensitive when dealing with this topic.

On the other hand, it is clear that the climate created by hateful people is full of conflict, abuse and a complete lack of empathy or intimacy with those in it.

Sometimes it is not enough to replace leaders. The structure and policies of some companies have created an environment based on control, performance over health, and a “keep your head down” culture, where people feel compelled to keep their mouths shut or lose their jobs.

Woman rides rabbit in toxic environments

We need to build “nurturing environments”

Throughout our lives, we will continue to come across people who love conflict. However, we will not always be able to distance ourselves. It is not always so easy to break away and stop seeing the person.

A few years ago, “life coaches” began to become popular. These are people who are trained in creating a trust environment and good communication, where employees feel really happy and valued.

While it may seem obvious that companies can benefit from employees feeling that way, they have overlooked it. Until now.

Let’s try to change guidelines, mentalities and perspectives. And in fact, we are not just talking about work environments, but also schools, the new generation.

Nourishing environments have a sense of permanence, where respect and personal dignity are defended, where creativity, personal growth and an authentic, intimate and obvious empathy are encouraged.

So let’s create more human environments. Let’s start with the people closest to us, with whom we spend our days. It will be worth it.

Butterfly sitting on hand

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