Millennium Generation And Marriage: A Change

Many people claim that marriage ends, but that is not exactly what the latest findings show. Find out all about the millennial generation and marriage in this fascinating article.
The Millennium Generation and Marriage: A Change

Those who think that the famous question “Will you marry me?” is going to disappear, have to think about when they read this article! Marriage is not going to go away. But there will be some changes that we will analyze in this article. Read on to discover the latest trends when it comes to millennial generation and marriage.

Marriage does not experience a decline, it only occurs later in life. This is what the latest statistics indicate as some specialists have researched the relationship between the millennial generation and marriage.

Our new generation has not ruled out the idea of ​​getting married ; they have only changed the “how” and “when”. Couples from the millennial generation believe in marriage, but they think that an average of six years of relationship before marriage is a wise choice.

The previous generation of young people had begun to expand this time, and there seems to be a growing trend for the millennial generation as well. It seems that this period of getting to know oneself and one’s partner becomes one of the new marital guarantees.

After all , many from the millennial generation come from divorced families. This may just as well be their way of making sure that they will not have to go through such a difficult situation in their own marriage. Financial problems also seem to be a driving force in their decisions to commit to each other and get married.

“In good and bad days” is gone. Our young people want to develop and establish their professional careers before starting a family. Some people think that this is a self-absorbed way of looking at things. But the truth is that it is a fairly responsible way to bring future offspring into an increasingly competitive world, both for children and parents.

There are many changes in the millennial generation and marriage.

What do the statistics say about the millennial generation and marriage?

Basically, the statistics published in The New York Times tell us that young people are waiting longer to get married. In the United States, the average age for marriage was 30 years for men and 28 years for women in 2018.

Statistics also show that the percentage of people who decide to marry has fallen among young people from the millennial generation by almost 25% since the 1970s.

Unlike what used to happen decades ago, young couples today spend more time consolidating their relationship. They often decide to stay together for a while before they get married. The statistics also reveal that most people who earn less than 30,000 dollars (approx. 250,000 kroner) a year consider their financial situation as a brake on considering committing to someone emotionally.

Things are better than they seem

Although the statistics can be seen as disappointing, we need to take a closer look. Upon closer inspection, it shows us that these major changes give a sense of responsibility in the relationship between young people from the millennial generation and marriage. 

According to researcher Stephanie Coontz, 80% of young people from the millennial generation will have married before they reach middle age. These are about the same numbers as 50 years ago. But as we have already mentioned, the age at which people decide to get married has changed.

The relationship between the millennial generation and marriage has changed, but not disappeared.

Women of the millennial generation and marriage

One of the factors that seems to be influencing marriage choices in a drastic way is changes in the role of women over recent decades. Unlike their mothers and grandmothers, this generation of young women has not been brought up for marriage.

For the first time in history, women are changing the idea that marriage is the greatest meaning of their lives. Rather, they are looking for better quality marriages. When they decide to take this step, they look for partners who can guarantee them happiness and lifelong marriage.

The researchers also shed light on the fact that marriage has in part ceased to be the only way society defines a serious relationship. 

Better marriage

For critics, there are some interesting statistics. Marriages between millennial people seem to be better, even though they marry less often. In fact, the divorce rate dropped by 18% between 2008 and 2016. This data comes from another study conducted by Philip Cohen of the University of Maryland. The author of the study concluded that people from the millennial generation are adopting an increasingly selective approach to marriage. 

Their goal is to differentiate between romantic relationships and marriages, which are not always the same. They seek greater stability from their partners, relationships that last longer, a more rewarding life experience, and financial independence.

We are facing many cultural and social changes. The marriage institution does not lose value among young people. But it is looked at and assessed in a different way. 

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