Emotional Sponges: People With An Emotional Overload

Do you think that you are an overly empathetic person and that this sometimes leads to unnecessary suffering? If so, you may be an emotional sponge.
Emotional sponges: People with an emotional overload

Some people are naturally sensitive, while others under certain circumstances become extremely observant and vulnerable. In both cases, they behave like “emotional sponges”, and easily absorb the emotions that surround them.

In principle, the reality of being emotional sponges gives them a certain advantage over other people, as it makes them very observant. However, there is also a factor that can cause them to become very emotionally overwhelmed. Because of this, it is not uncommon for them to end up being victims of extreme tension and constant stress, which are very difficult to let go of.

People who are emotional sponges end up being overwhelmed very easily. Thus what is to be a virtue becomes a burden. Unfortunately, it is also common for other people to take advantage of their empathy and receptivity, which further burdens them.

People who are emotional sponges.

The properties of emotional sponges

People who are “emotional sponges” have some characteristics that make them stand out from the rest. In general, they are very receptive to other people’s emotional state. In addition to:

  • They are very intuitive. They do not need anyone to tell them how they feel. They can easily feel if people are well or not.
  • These people are more than empathetic. Not only do they manage to put themselves in other people’s situation, but they do so in an extreme way. As a result, other people’s feelings feel as if they are their own.
  • They feel responsible for other people’s well-being. In particular, they believe that they should help other people who are not well. In fact, they feel really bothered and annoyed with themselves if they do not.
  • They look for solutions to other people’s problems. The excessive empathy and acquisition of other people’s pain means that they spend a lot of time thinking about how to solve other people’s problems.
  • They are often overwhelmed by other people’s feelings. It is very difficult for emotional sponges to feel good if they know that other people are suffering. This is because they literally assimilate other people’s negative feelings.
  • They attract toxic people. It is easy for them to end up surrounded by people who are full of problems or those who seek to exploit others emotionally.
  • They prioritize others. They behave as if they have to undermine their own well-being in order to increase others.

Emotional regulators

People who are “emotional sponges” can be harmed due to hypersensitivity, empathy and solidarity. From a young age, they probably got used to taking on other people’s problems. Thus, others expect them to understand and help, simply because they are willing to do so.

The problem is that these sensitive people forget themselves, without noticing it. They are driven most of the time by the selfish desires of others. Thus, others can only use or recognize them when they help them.

Therefore, their extreme sensitivity and empathy lead them to take on the role of eternal “emotional regulators”. The cost of this can be very high because they can even reach the point of becoming invisible to themselves and potential victims of emotional abuse.

A sad woman.

A blurry identity

The identity of an overly sensitive person can become blurred due to the significant influence other people can have on their emotions. We will use an example to better illustrate this.

A mother tells her son that he is insensitive because he does not call her often enough. However, if you analyze the situation, you may realize that things are exactly the opposite of what your mother says. Perhaps she is insensitive to her son, blaming him for her own limitations. This type of behavior is a defense mechanism called projective identification.

In short, should emotional sponges become aware of how vulnerable they are too toxic behavior. Then they must learn to deal with their own feelings of guilt, reflect on them and not let them control their actions. Finally, they need to learn to value their emotions and set boundaries when necessary.

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