Is There A Link Between Depression And Poor Diet?

Can a poor diet increase the risk of depression? Learn how depression affects your eating habits and what you can do to start making healthier choices.
Is there a link between depression and poor diet?

Depression and poor diet have a link. According to studies, people who eat a poor quality diet are likely to report symptoms of depression. A poor diet contains a lot of processed meat, chocolate, sweet desserts, fried foods, refined grains and high-fat dairy products. On the other hand, people who eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fish are less likely to become depressed.

In the same way, these results are in line with other studies that show that a healthy diet helps to protect against disease. For example, studies suggest that people who follow a Mediterranean diet have lower levels of depression and fewer cases of diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s. This diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables and fish and limits meat and dairy products. Unfortunately, when people struggle with depression, people suffer from eating habits.

Some people eat too much and gain weight when they turn to food to lift their spirits. For example, others feel too exhausted to prepare balanced meals or simply lose their appetite. “Whether you eat too much or do not eat enough, you can use food to feel better or to cope with difficult emotions,” says Susan Albers, a clinical psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic.

People are often caught in a cycle of feelings of hopelessness about life. Similarly, their poor diet often catches them, making depression possible. It is important to get in touch with other people so that you do not become too isolated. Talking to friends and a therapist provides support and helps you break out of this cycle.

Today we will discuss common ways clinical depression can affect your eating patterns. Most importantly, we will also discuss the relationship between poor diet and emotional well-being. Finally, we will also share some tips on how you can start making healthier choices with the help of your therapist.

Three Common Ways Depression Affects Your Diet

As we mentioned above, people suffering from clinical depression have a poor diet. Check out the food traps you need to avoid:

Use food as comfort

“People with depression often use food for self-medication,” says the famous psychotherapist Jean Fain. They eat to improve or avoid negative or unpleasant feelings, such as sadness, shame and self-loathing. When they are depressed, others crave carbohydrates or comfort foods like cake.

Why? Foods high in carbohydrates and sugars increase serotonin levels, a mood-boosting chemical. In the short term, eating sugary and fatty foods can make you feel calmer and worried. But in the long run, a diet with a lot of comfort foods leads to weight gain and diabetes.

Woman eating donut.

Not eating enough

Many people have a poor diet when their appetite drops when they feel down. In some cases, they inadvertently end up losing weight. “They have less appetite and start skipping meals. They often even sleep through meals, ”says Nolan, a dietitian from New York.

You will feel that you do not have the motivation to eat when you are depressed. In addition, stress reduces appetite. In other words, food is not as appealing when you are anxious or feeling hopeless. But not eating enough makes you more irritable and worsens your depression.

To eat what is available

Shopping and preparing healthy meals can seem daunting when you are depressed and lack energy. As a result, you can go for foods that are convenient but not particularly nutritious. Most importantly, you may not get enough variety in your diet.

“Depressed people end up eating fast food or whatever they have in the kitchen – for example, their last box of biscuits,” says Varma, a psychiatrist in NYC. In the same way , it is easy for the depressed to get into a rut and always eat the same food.

Poor diet and emotional well-being

Diet is such an important component of mental health that it inspired a whole medical field called nutritional psychiatry. The medical specialist in health and body, Eva Selhub, MD, wrote a fantastic summary of what nutritional psychiatry is. In addition, this wonderful piece also discusses what nutritional psychiatry means to you.

What it boils down to is that what we eat means something to all aspects of our health, but especially our mental health. As we mentioned above, several recent research analyzes are looking for a link between poor diet and depression. To sum up, these many studies support that there is a link between what you eat and the risk of depression, in particular.

An analysis concluded that “A dietary pattern characterized by high intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, olive oil, low-fat dairy products and antioxidants and low intake of animal foods was apparently associated with a reduced risk of depression.” In contrast, a diet high in red, processed meats, refined grains, sweets, and high-fat dairy products increases depression.

Similarly, a diet rich in butter, potatoes, low-fat sauce, with little intake of fruits and vegetables allows depression. So which comes first, poor diet or depression? It can be argued that being depressed makes us more likely to eat unhealthy foods. This is true, so we should ask what came first, diet or depression? Fortunately, the researchers also raised this issue.

For example, another large analysis looked only at potential studies, which meant that they looked at the basic diet and then calculated the risk that volunteers in the study would develop depression. According to research, a healthy diet means a significantly lower risk of developing depressive symptoms. For example, the aforementioned Mediterranean diet.

A Mediterranean diet helps you to form healthy eating habits.

Strategies you should follow to prevent depression due to poor diet

Do you want your depression to get better? Check out these strategies to help you eat healthier:

  • Calm your senses. Try to treat spirit, mind and body, apart from food. Comfort your body with a warm bath or wrap yourself in a soft blanket. If you like tea, make your favorite blend. Finally, consider going to a spa and getting an extraordinary refreshing massage.
  • Feel your hunger. When you think you are feeling hungry, take a break and ask yourself: Am I really hungry or am I feeling something else? In other words, you may think that what you want is biscuits or potato chips. But you may really need a heart-to-heart conversation with a friend or loved one.
  • Eat a varied diet. Nutritional deficiencies exacerbate depression. Therefore, focus on eating a variety of foods, including whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products. See a nutritionist who makes simple, balanced meal plans for you.
  • Increase your energy. Look for energy-enhancing activities such as going for a walk, playing with your dog or listening to music. By doing something that brightens your eyesight and improves your mood, you will not eat too much. Above all, you want to avoid poor diet.
  • Get help. Experts say you should seek treatment for your depression before changing your eating habits. For example, trying to go on a diet is frustrating and counterproductive if depression has not been addressed first. It is rather the opposite, it is important to consult a psychologist.

So can a diet high in junk food increase the risk of depression? As you can see, we need more research on the link between depression and poor diet. In the meantime, you can follow these strategies. It is also wise to cut back on the less nutritious alternatives and make healthier choices.

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