Do Not Let The Past Take Too Much Away From Today

There is a saying that there are two types of people in this life: those who put their books in order from largest to smallest, and those who do not. Those who need 10 alarms to wake up, and those who are fully awake after just one. Furthermore, why not, those who constantly look back on their past, and those who live by the saying carpe diem.

The virtue, however, is probably exactly as Aristotle said: to find a place in the middle. The story that is your past deserves that you do not need it, no matter how bad you now think it was. And today you need to be used, by behaving sensibly, and by trusting in what you can build for tomorrow.

Don’t let the past hold you back

If you are the type of person who spends too much time worrying about the past, rather than focusing on the here and now, you need to start looking for a way to free yourself. When the past has completely overwhelmed us, it is very complicated to recover from the blows you have had and look ahead with courage.

Women with pink hair cover their eyes

Each of us has a different past whose extent can only be decided by ourselves. Maybe you have already discovered that the worst time of your life, may be easy to get through for another person, and the same the other way. We have all seen ourselves depressed at one time or another, paralyzed by situations we thought were more difficult than we could handle, and yet we managed to overcome them, and so can you.

Other times, negative events do not push us back, but help us the other way. We have experienced such good moments that it is difficult for us to imagine that there can be anything better. However, you are the only person who can take control of your life to create the moments that help you feel happy right here and now.

The present, today, is the new opportunity

The present is your great opportunity. So, the  present becomes a chance to give your past the space it deserves, in addition to opening up new possibilities.

The present is the ideal opportunity to meet new people who want to enrich you as a person, and give you the energy and life you want. It is a matter of no longer searching for the time when you felt safe, but rather taking advantage of the fact that a new chapter helps you to put behind you the chapters in your past that have hurt you.

Time heals all wounds from the past, it forces you to forgive what you thought you could never forgive, it obliges you to deal with the grief of a loss, it shows you the value of the fleeting moments of joy, and above all ; time finally teaches us to look to today and to tomorrow. 

Woman enjoys the day today

It is not necessary to lose the past when things change

When we talk about “putting things behind us”, you can not interpret it so that it is the same as forgetting it; It’s good to remember that you have a past, because your past is your story – and you must not lose it. We just want to make you aware of this because remembering your past can add things to your present.

It is important for the past that it does not take too much from the present day, because  everything has its time and its place. You must never forget the lessons you have learned from your previous steps, but you must also not stop walking.

The present has an invaluable value because it is always an unfinished phase that belongs to you completely. To avoid the feeling that today is nothing and empty, let today build itself up with you. Be who you really want to be, and accept that what you once were, you are no more.

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