Trolling, Unpleasant And Anonymous Behavior On Social Networks

Trolling is a situation that we have all suffered to a greater or lesser degree on the internet. But why is it happening? Here are some answers.
Trolling, unpleasant and anonymous behavior on social networks

Interactions have long been a reality on the internet. Furthermore, they form a fundamental part of people’s lives. In addition, just like in all other areas, some people try to create a good atmosphere online, while others go for trolling .

What are the motivations of someone who trolls on the internet? What do they get out of it? The number of people experiencing trolling is increasing annually. However, this does not explain what causes a person to exhibit this type of behavior online.

In this article, you can find out about a study that was conducted to answer these questions. You will also find out about some other factors related to troll behavior. Also, if you’ve ever been a troll yourself, you can find out why it’s happening here.


Usually trolling affects teenagers

The word trolling refers to online behavior that seeks to annoy or cause harm via messages posted on social networks. This can be forums, blogs or other public spaces. The messages are usually posted anonymously.

The Internet troll takes its name from the mythological creature of the same name, who was known to have done malicious mischief against humans. There is also another opinion that comes from the fishing world. In this field, trolling is a technique that consists of slowly pulling a hook with bait from a moving boat.

By using these definitions, it may seem that people who display this type of behavior only come up with innocent jokes or do mischief. They do not. In fact, trolling is an antisocial behavior that can become a nightmare in the lives of the victims.

How is internet troll?

New research recently published in the journal, Social Media and Society, sheds light on the motives and personality traits of internet trolls . In fact, it was due to the increasing incidence of trolling that researchers conducted this analysis. They wanted to learn how to prevent and correct it.

The research consisted of an online survey that was completed by more than 400 Reddit users. It found that people with personality traits from the dark triad such as narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy – combined with sadism, were more likely to perform trolling on the internet.

Surprisingly, the trolls who displayed this provocative behavior, which led users into useless conversations, did not think they were doing anything unacceptable. They simply thought it was a pleasant experience to point out the shortcomings and faults of others in public environments.

Is being honest the same as trolling?

It may seem that the solution to this type of behavior is to limit users’ opinions about other members of an online community. However, the study found that there was no connection between being outspoken online and troll behavior.

There is one aspect that dictates the difference between a healthy debate and trolling . It is the fact that those who practice the latter do not care how their words and actions can affect others. In fact, they are more concerned with improving their own experience than creating a positive climate.

What to do in a trolling situation

Woman looking at cell phone

Now, all or almost all users participating in online communities have met a person who is trying to destroy the environment. Alternatively, they can directly harass or insult other people. It is a situation that creates anger, frustration and often results in what the troll wants: to be answered.

Experts have provided a number of extremely useful tips to prevent situations from escalating when the troll tries to provoke the online community. Here they are:

  • “Do not feed the troll”. These people want to get others involved in their game so that they can continue to offend and harass. Therefore, it is best to ignore them and report them immediately.
  • Remember who you are when you connect to the internet. Anonymity often leads to inhibition in the performance of offensive behavior. This is because the interlocutor is not present, therefore there are fewer consequences. Therefore, experts recommend that if you come across certain ideas or personalities that you do not accept, remember that you would not insult them face-to-face.
  • Learn to recognize a constructive conversation. There is nothing wrong with presenting conflicting views, as long as it is done with respect. When this is not the case, it is best to end the call.
  • Complain. Today, the most effective solution for trolling lies in getting the trolls to have consequences for their actions. In fact, social platforms usually have mechanisms to exclude them. Furthermore, in cases of harassment, they can be reported legally.

Good atmosphere on the internet

Although the troll may seem like an evil and alien figure, we are all capable of being poisonous online. We can even do it unconsciously. This is because social networks are like squares where everyone can talk at the same time and no one stops them.

For this reason, instead of condemning online communities, it is more important to contribute something to them. In fact, we must work towards creating safe, positive spaces where activities such as trolling and harassment have no place. This is everyone’s responsibility, both in the physical and virtual world.

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