How To Maintain Intimacy In A Long Distance Relationship

Memories play an important role in a long-distance relationship. Thoughts of happy moments, holding hands as you walk, and the great hugs are important.
How to maintain intimacy in a long distance relationship

Intimacy is defined as an intimate and reserved spiritual zone for a person or group, especially in a family. It is an abstract but deep concept that contains our most private aspects and in some cases the relationship we have. In fact, couples who for some reason need to separate physically, but still want to be together, must learn to maintain intimacy in a long-distance relationship.

Maintaining intimacy does not necessarily mean living in the same city or living together in the same house. Many couples are physically close to each other, but not emotionally. The feeling of closeness, connection, being with the other person, simplifies intimacy. It is very important to learn how to maintain or strengthen the relationship with your partner, especially in long distance relationships. Let’s discuss how to do it.

How to maintain intimacy in a long distance relationship

Experience has taught us how to keep our relationships the same, but there are things to keep in mind in a long-distance relationship. Here are some keys to helping you maintain intimacy with your partner:

  • Manage communication. Know how, when and what you are talking about with your partner. Not only does this reduce anxiety and insecurity, but it also helps keep the flow of conversation going. You do not have to plan all the topics for the conversation, only the most important ones. For example, we recommend that you set up a schedule for phone calls.
A woman making video calls with her boyfriend promotes communication.
  • Promote expression and communication of emotions. Knowing how one feels about the other is important. Knowing what worries you or what situations make you feel bad can provide information about who you are. Expressing feelings is very important because you do not see each other every day. Questions like “How did you feel?” And “How do you feel?” allows us to express our feelings.
  • Instead of stressing or worrying, be safe. Thanks to technology, sending photos, videos or audio is easy. But one has to be very careful with these things. It is different when you send a picture because you remember your partner than to send it because you have to or as a means of control. In these cases, it is important that you do not demand immediate response from the other person and that you respect their private space.
  • Be careful how you share your problems.  Talking to your partner about your problems is important, but be careful how you express them, as you can cause great fear or helplessness. It is important to use clear and simple language and practice active listening. In addition, putting yourself in the other person’s shoes can be of great help.
  • Try to make realistic plans. Distance can play with your mind and can even foster disappointment. Therefore, it is important to control the difference between expectation and reality. Consider how it affects the distance.

The power of memories

Memories play an important role in a long-distance relationship. Thoughts of happy moments, holding hands as you walk, and the great hugs are important. These memories can help you maintain intimacy with your partner. In fact, for many couples, talking about these memories is a way to strengthen their bonds.

Looking at pictures helps maintain intimacy.

When you think about a moment together or something that reminds you of your partner while you put into words their good qualities or you make plans together, the feeling of distance weakens. A feeling that can sometimes overwhelm us.

Every partner is a universe

As you may have seen, maintaining intimacy with your partner in a long-distance relationship is not a dance on roses. It requires attention, effort, empathy and respect to create healthy and strong relationships.

Every person is a whole world, and every partner is a universe. The need for intimacy is something personal that you need to communicate. You should not let your partner guess. It is normal to have different opinions as long as there is no bad intention or aggression involved. We just have a different way of looking at life.

Your trust in yourself and your partner and absolute respect and empathy can help. Distance separates only bodies, not hearts. You can overcome the challenge by maintaining intimacy in a long-distance relationship with a lot of willpower and effort.

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