Four Signs That A Relationship Is Broken

Four signs that a relationship is broken

In the beginning of a relationship , everything is love, passion and a desire to spend time together. We want to learn more about the other person because we have the feeling that the more we know, the more we will like them. It is like a kind of mysterious candy that gives us great satisfaction and which, combined with physical contact, transforms into something exciting and special.

But with time comes the routines and their shortcomings, the necessity of making real adjustments in the lives of two people so that the relationship can develop further. The time comes when one of the two has to give up something, and giving up something now seems to cost much more than what it did in the beginning. Do not be alarmed: this is the natural evolution of relationships. We can not maintain the level of dedication or idealization that existed in the beginning, as it tends to create dependent people.

That said, what are the signs that should warn us about the state of the relationship? Are there any indications that a relationship is about to break down? When do these indications appear and is there a solution or is it already too late?

1. Destructive criticism

When there is trust and strong love between two people, then it is natural that there is criticism from both parties. It’s actually a healthy way to get to know each other better and to improve certain aspects of the relationship that we were not aware of before. However, there is a type of criticism that is far more painful and is used to hurt the other person. This is what is called destructive criticism.

Everyone can make mistakes, but when our partner turns to this type of criticism to attack us and hurt our feelings, it can be a sign that this person no longer feels the same way we do. A clear example of this can be said. “You’re so late, you can not love me the way you did before.”  This is a blow under the belt spot in any situation.

What can be done in this situation? Well, immediately suggest an activity or scheme that involves him or her. In this way you will restore contact, you can do something together and you can talk about your problems.

2. Contempt

When contempt comes from everyone on both sides and is expressed regularly, then we can say that the relationship is not on a good track. Contempt can take the form of sarcasm, insults or by imitating the other. In all these forms, it will make the other person feel less valued.

What can be done in this situation? Well, there is really no other option but to start over and build mutual respect and to emphasize the nice things about the relationship, such as saying: “You look so good with long hair” or “I love when you get me to laugh ”. In this way, you will strengthen the emotional bonds.

3. To be defensive

When a person does something wrong, it is very common for them to defend their actions based on another’s actions. As we have said, this is perfectly normal. But, if this seems to be something of a pattern, then it may mean that our partner does not love us as much as before. This often happens as a part of covering up infidelity, and thus making the unfaithful feel less guilty for their deception.

What can be done in this situation? When a problem arises and our partner is defensive, the best thing we can do is try to find a solution that involves both of you and to put behind you pride and accusations.

4. When one overlooks or ignores the other

This is one of the final factors that often occurs when a relationship is about to collapse. This can take several forms. You hardly talk to each other, you have ended up in a routine, you do not have the same interests…

This often appears after a long period of crises and bad mood, or when an unsolvable problem has arisen between the two. After this, the relationship almost always ends in separation.

What can be done in this situation? If you really care about your partner… respond! Talk to the person as soon as possible about how you can renew the relationship. Keep it short, be loving and to the point, listen to what your partner has to say, what he or she does not like about you and vice versa. Try to come to an agreement, and if it works, then your relationship will be stronger than it was to begin with.

Photos: buscarparejahoy

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