Functional Inequality: A New Perspective On Impaired Function

Society is what excludes individuals with functional inequality from the “normal” by not creating products, resources or tools for them.
Functional inequality: A new perspective on disability

Throughout history, various models have tried to explain disability. But in this article we will elaborate on the model of functional inequality. Before we talk about what it means, let’s get a better understanding of the history behind the term.

Let’s look at how the world has viewed people with disabilities. On this journey back in time, we will come across a wide variety of models, ranging from the “demonic” model to the modern perspective on functional diversity.

Historical ideas about disability

Mankind has evolved, and with it the view of people with disabilities. The nature of each time period affected the definition of and expectations around disability. Factors include cultural, medical, technological and social aspects.

One who holds the hand of an elderly person.

In the Middle Ages, society viewed people with disabilities as a punishment from the gods. The basis for this was the demonic model, that everyone with a disability was possessed. In this society, such a person was isolated at best. However, killing people with disabilities was also a common practice, so that the “evil” would not spread.

The model of Hippocrates and Galen did not flourish until the 20th century. This model had a physical and organic pathology at its center. They understood that if a person has a disability, it was due to some defect in the body.

This model looked at people with disabilities as helpless beings in need of care and protection. They had no independence and independence, and institutional placement was the only option.

Modern models and functional inequality

In the post-war period, there was an increase in the number of people with disabilities. Society was challenged to reintegrate injured people. Hence the model social environment came into play.

Society looked at people with disabilities as social individuals who could return to a normal life according to this model. The treatment during this period was centered around creating support with a focus on technology.

The objective was to get people with disabilities to interact with their environment under the best possible conditions.

Today, there is a rehabilitative model for people with disabilities. We consider them active, independent and autonomous. They are involved in their own rehabilitation process, and the idea is full participation in society.

This model emphasizes the importance of the role that professionals play in rehabilitation. On the other hand, it places little emphasis on the importance of environmental factors that may have caused the disability.

Therefore, the integration model was implemented in response to the above problem. This model no longer focuses on how people with disabilities should be changed so that they fit into society’s norms. Instead, disability is seen as functional inequality.

Any lack of adaptation will only be a logical consequence of the environment rejecting someone who is different. This model tries to break down prejudices  by emphasizing differences over shortcomings.

What is functional inequality?

The concept of functional inequality includes the idea that people with disabilities have a disorder that makes them disabled. Society is what categorizes them as people with disabilities.

The danger will no longer lie in the name and its secondary meanings. Instead, it will lie in the fact that society itself sets standards that people with disabilities can meet.

This is a useful idea that is easy to understand through this following statement: If everyone were blind, being blind would not be a problem, because society would adapt to being blind.

Society is what excludes individuals with functional inequality from the “normal” by not creating products, resources or tools for them. This exclusion is in a way pragmatic. It is more convenient to think only of the majority than minorities. By doing this, however, we create conditions where someone who could have worked well, can no longer.

A lady in a wheelchair playing with a friend: Functional Inequality

Universal design for functional disparity

This is the background for the idea behind universal design, a concept created by architect Ronald L. Mace. Universal design tries to explain that people should not create products with the “normal” or the majority in mind and then adapt it for others. When we design our world, we should keep the sum of all existing individuals in mind.

Universal design is composed of seven basic principles:

  • Fair use: People with different skills and abilities must be able to use them.
  • Flexibility: The design must accommodate a wide range of people with different tastes and abilities.
  • Easy to use: It must be easy for everyone to understand, learn and use.
  • Visible information: The design must effectively explain how to use it.
  • Incorrect tolerance: The design must minimize possible incidents and unforeseen adverse consequences.
  • Minimal physical exertion: It must be possible to use it effectively with as little exertion as possible.
  • Appropriate size: It should be an appropriate size in relation to approach, use and scope.

The fact is that most of the world is nowhere near understanding what functional inequality means. But approaching a utopia of universal design can help. This can lead to important improvements in the quality of life for many people who are currently excluded from living an independent life.

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