How Can We Build Our Own Universe?

Happiness is not something you can take for granted in life – you have to conquer it. Humans are created to survive, not to be happy. We are programmed to survive, but if we want happiness, we must do a little “hacking.” Anyone who wants to take on the challenge of happiness must realize that the most important thing in life is to discover the meaning of life. And to build our own universe.

As José Luis Sampedro, author, humanist and Spanish economist, said, the reason we live is to live, and to discover ourselves. Most of us, at some point in our lives, have asked ourselves why we live. Knowing how to answer this question will give us a sense of purpose in our existence. A real and proper opinion.

Everything we see on the outside is just a reflection of what we are inside, of what we think and feel. The shortcomings and virtues we see in others are what we carry to a certain extent within ourselves. No matter how much doubt and how many questions we have, most of the answers are already inside us, because the universe that lives inside us is already incredibly fascinating.

The meaning of life – how can we take care of our own universe?

It may sound a bit ironic, but we are the only ones who are able to insult ourselves, and to allow emotional turmoil to invade us. The cause of our suffering is not on the outside, but on the inside… in how we face the pain.

Others can physically kill us, but on an emotional level we have only the power to harm ourselves or to bring order.  Although we break free from our own minds, this imaginary war generates a number of emotional burdens, such as guilt, anger, hatred, punishment, and the desire for revenge.

Own universe

The way we interpret things, along with our emotional reactions, is what makes us suffer and end up in conflict with ourselves. Ultimately, we are the cause of our own harm. Therefore, focusing on ourselves, and making ourselves aware of our feelings, brings us closer to a deeper knowledge of our inner universe and the meaning of life.

After all, the only thing we can change in our lives is ourselves. Everything else is just an illusory concept. We may be upset about wanting a better world with less injustice and more equality, only to see it become more and more remote. In contrast, changing and improving our inner life is our true job. Achieving this will give us unlimited peace and a new way of dealing with situations.

To build our own universe, we must be brave

Generalization is a threat to us. Getting lost in cities that are full of big buildings and rules that are rarely said, but often imposed. On many occasions we sacrifice to act in accordance with our values ​​in order to create a better image of ourselves. This is one of the ways in which the “system” governs us, with the reward we are offered back. Do this and do it as I tell you , and I will take care of you.

Own universe

Sometimes, depending on who we are with and where we are, we show ourselves in one way or another. We choose what we want to show from our own universe, and what we want to hide. This can seem useful in some situations: when we are looking for a job, are in meetings, are at work, etc. But in the long run it can create a great disharmony in our soul.

Perhaps the biggest challenge we face is finding ourselves, connecting with our inner selves and being real for extended periods of time. This is a challenge, never a threat. Although there will be difficulties along the way, the feeling that comes with us will be of peace. We should be actors and not just stand on the sidelines, at the mercy of the current that produces everything that surrounds us. And then we will really discover the meaning of life.

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