I Have The Right To Make My Own Choices

I have the right to make my own choices

Life is about making choices. From the moment we get up to the moment we go to bed, we are faced with a number of situations where we have to make choices. Sometimes there are simple choices: What should I wear today? What should I eat? But other times, choosing between one or two options can mean important changes in life.

Our circumstances change based on the choices we make. We can shape our lives and our ways of being through what we do. When we choose what we want to study, what career we focus on, where we want to live and who we want to live with, then there are choices that affect both the present and the future.

Would you have been the same if you, instead of choosing the field of study or the profession you have now, had chosen something else? What would have happened if you, when you met that special person, had let him or her go? What would your life have been like if you had not ended that situation?

I make decisions about things that affect me, I have the right to make my own choices

Of course, we can not decide everything that will happen in the world. It must be clear who decides and what they decide. We can not make decisions about things that do not concern us. Just as others should respect our choices, so should we respect theirs.

Yet there are certain things that directly concern us. Choices that only we should make, as they only affect us. Who we want to be with, or who we want to leave behind. What we want to do with our time and our bodies is an example of choices that we can and should all make for ourselves.

Woman hides her breast

Even when we do not want to make a choice, we make a choice. This is the human paradox. We constantly communicate our intentions, even when we do not want to. Not making a choice is in itself a choice. The same applies when we postpone or avoid doing anything.

Only I know my own circumstances

You may sometimes feel judged by others when you say or do something. Maybe the people around you do not share your views and it may cause them to express opinions about what you should or should not do.

Despite their good intentions, only you should decide. You can ask for other people’s opinions and listen to them patiently, but when the time comes to make a choice, it is your sole responsibility.

Woman in flower

Only you know your own circumstances. You can lend another person your shoes for a while so that they think they know how you feel, if only for a moment. But even if they experience your feelings, it is only for a short time. Only you know what it’s like to walk in your shoes, day after day. Only you know the path you have taken, where you are at the moment, and where you want to go.

Whether it’s right or wrong, it’s my choice

When we make important choices, we often experience doubts. Doubting in the choice of different possibilities is a big part of being a human being. There is no absolute security and no one can guarantee that a choice is good or bad. On the other hand, you will never find out if a choice is the right one, if you never make it.

Once you have made a choice, you may be right or wrong, but you will never find out what awaits you if you never dare to take the first step. There will always be doubts and there will always be a risk that you are wrong. The only way you can avoid making mistakes is by doing nothing, never deciding or choosing anything, never advancing.

Woman with beautiful wings

We have the right to make our own choices regarding things that directly affect us. We should respect other people’s choices, just as they should respect ours. More important than anything else, no matter what choice we make, the most important thing is that we do what we really want to do.

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