Identifying Irrational Beliefs Can Improve Your Well-being

Irrational beliefs create discomfort because they place demands on a person’s value and happiness that are impossible to achieve. With this in mind, you can see why it is important to learn to identify them.
Identifying irrational beliefs can improve your well-being

Often, your interpretation of a situation can cause negative emotions to appear or increase them more than necessary. Remember this to embrace and work with what this article reveals. More specifically , you will learn to identify negative beliefs that emerge in your daily life. We will also look at how identifying irrational beliefs can improve your well-being.

Has there ever been something that has made you angry, and you realize that it was not a big deal after some time has passed? For example, you may have felt sad because you thought your partner was going to leave you, but nothing happened. Maybe you had an argument with your best friend, and you thought you would never talk to each other again, but it did not happen either.

As you can see, sometimes irrational beliefs joke with your head and make you feel bad. However, there is no real reason to support them.

What is irrational belief?

Irrational beliefs are the ideas you have about yourself, others and the world that do not correspond to reality. They usually manifest themselves in the form of “I should” or “I must”. Furthermore, you consider them as obligations that you must fulfill.

A woman with negative thoughts

Irrational beliefs create discomfort because they make demands on a person’s value and happiness that are impossible to fulfill. With this in mind, you can see why it is important to learn to identify them. By doing so, you will be able to change them and adapt them to better and more realistic perceptions.

Everyone experiences this type of conviction to a greater or lesser degree. The important thing, however, is to try to balance them to avoid creating discomfort, or at least reduce them. In other words, you need to learn to be aware of their presence and meaning.

This will allow you to look at your situation with more common sense. Although it may seem complicated, it is a step towards taking control of your well-being.

Irrational belief: The twelve most important

Albert Ellis, a psychologist, mentioned twelve common irrational beliefs. They are as follows:

1. Need for approval

It is the idea that it is absolutely necessary to be loved and accepted by your loved ones. This is normal when you are young. After you grow up, you have to try to do things because of how important they are to you, not to everyone else.

Guilt and condemnation

It is the tendency to judge and condemn both others and yourself. The reality is now that you can not control other people’s behavior.

On the other hand, when you are the one doing something that you consider inappropriate, you should try to fix it or learn from it. Punishing yourself for it does little to improve you.

Frustration unstoppably leads to depression

If something does not go your way, you consider it a tragedy. If we now repeat the previous point and something frustrates you, you must still try to achieve your goals. If this is not possible, you have to accept the situation.

4. Disorder is inevitable because it is caused by external events and other people

Your interpretation of events is what causes negative emotions to emerge. Therefore, it is up to you to control your disorder.

5. You worry about potential threats and dangers

Constantly predicting that something bad will happen will create anxiety. Instead, focus on the present. If there is any danger in the near future, then you will meet them in a timely manner.

6. It is easier to avoid than to confront situations

As we have explained in another article , it can to avoid it being the easiest option in the short term. This does not mean that the discomfort disappears. In the long run, it will actually be bigger.

A woman in the woods looking behind her

7. You need to trust others who are stronger than yourself

Social support is needed, but this irrational belief generates excessive dependence on others. Ideally, you will be able to learn to be more independent and do things for yourself. This will then help you feel more fulfilled.

8. Fear of defeat and incompetence

Of course you are not perfect and of course you are making mistakes. If you have this in mind, then you can feel better and become more aware and more realistic about your abilities.

9. The burden of past traumas in the present

If something has affected you in the past, it will hurt you forever. A great example of this is a breakup in a romantic relationship. People are left with the first painful experience and refuse to meet new people. The truth is, however, that each experience is different from the previous and that does not mean that they will lead to the same disorder.

10. You must have complete control over things

Trying to control everything that happens around you will only create even more discomfort. This is because it is impossible to do. It is important to accept this fact in order to enjoy life and avoid frustration from taking over.

11. You can achieve happiness without effort, by old habit or without doing anything

On the contrary! When something really motivates you and requires you to actively engage in it, then it gives greater joy than what is given to you.

12. You have no control over your own emotions and there are some emotions that you can not avoid

If this was true then why are you reading this article?

In some of these irrational beliefs you can see a reflection of yourself. On the other hand, you do not do it in others. The truth is, however, that we all have them to a greater or lesser degree. Do not pin yourself for it, it is normal! Knowing about them is the first step to changing them and feeling better little by little.

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