Memories Also Leave Scars

Memories also leave scars

Mythical Audrey Hepburn said that the best thing to do to be happy is to “have a bad memory”. Several different fields in psychology agree that anxious emotions appear when one thinks of the future, while depressive emotions appear when one thinks of the past. But, what really happens to the happy memories? Memories also leave scars.

We have all experienced the paradox in that the moment one thinks of happy moments, one is also invaded by a sadness. This sadness springs from the idea that what once was has little chance of happening again. When we share such moments with others, our voice is filled with nostalgia, like a momentary echo from a bygone era.

Our mood can be affected by the fact that we start our mental time machine even though these are memories that we have taken care of with a lot of love. Even a punishment we received after fooling someone well will, in the light of our memories, be experienced as something pleasant. This is how the good memories paralyze the bad ones, and the good memories therefore also leave scars. 


The mistake you make when you think you’re still the same

At times, in the past, we search convincingly that many things have not changed. We are still the same, where we still get more wrinkles and higher debt.

Sometimes we search our memory to feel good, to distract ourselves or to talk about a person who has left us, where to say goodbye or not, with or without explanation. When it comes to nice things that happen, we always find it sad when it ends. This feels stronger when it may seem like it is over or is over forever.

It is impossible to clone one and the same experience . Many of the experiences we have are so nice because they have simply ended. Maybe it is so that we have to take into account that we are right that this was a wonderful time and that we love a special place in our soul for it.

This is the first step in the direction of taking part in a very special movement that can provide a career with great future prospects. The creator of magical moments.

The happy memories come when you leave them alone

Our wishes are good memories that move to the future. One day we want to be able to feel this special feeling again that once took over our mind, our body and our soul. Memory has constructed details of memory that we were unable to integrate at this moment.

memories also leave scars

It is true that it is harder to remember a happy moment than a sad moment when you do not feel good. A sad memory gives reason why there has always been motivation to be unhappy. The good memory makes you think, “Should I waste the best years of my life not feeling what I feel today was the best moment of my life?”

The scar that a bad memory leaves behind hurts and it can make you feel angry or furious. The scar after good times bleeds because it evokes a sadness and melancholy about better times.

What can you do to make the scar from better times do you good?

There are memories that we become very fond of. Roads in our lives that are filled with details that are invented and follow the same general feeling in this moment so that the memory becomes even more potent. One can compare this to a love affair that never goes away and always remains in the idealizing first stage.

The best way to get out of this mood is to confront it with reality. This is not about the reality of this moment, as you logically can not go back in time, but with people you shared the moment with so that they can give you a slightly more realistic view of what happened and how you felt. you.

When you manage to absorb the memory in its entirety and stop making a romantic film  of it du you will see that none of what happens to us is either good or bad, but that they contain nuances.

The fact that you have experienced it once is beneficial for it being repeated with other people and with other forms as the taste of something good and sweet makes you willing to appreciate it again. The calculation error in relation to how you looked at the past is diverted and your eyes are opened to new paths that appear in front of you.

The good memories will not be less good if you look at them with more realistic eyes. The feeling that all the good has already passed, however, disappears. In this way, the good memories will not leave scars anymore and will become an imprint of what you have experienced. This is as comfortable as walking on wet sand. The feel of these prints is something you like and they allow you to go comfortably to another place.

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