Prevention Methods And Risk Factors For Suicide

The suicide rate has significant consequences for the population as a whole. The psychological and social consequences of suicide directly affect those closest to the victim.
Methods of prevention and risk factors for suicide

Why have suicide risk factors become a topic we do not talk about? Why is this taboo? To solve a problem, the first step is to be informed about the problem. If you do not fully understand the problem, it is impossible to come up with an effective solution.

Consequently  , it is important to talk about suicide. Part of the discussion should include the risk factors associated with suicidal behavior, both individually and environmentally. It is equally important to identify methods that can help prevent suicide. Through open discussion, it is easier to understand the problem and know what we can do about it.

Suicide: One of the most serious social problems

According to the  World Health Organization, suicide is one of the 15 leading causes of death worldwide and is the leading cause of violent death. Spain, for example, although not among the countries with the highest suicide rates, has an increasing trend.

It is estimated that nine people commit suicide every day in Spain. This has become a serious public health problem. In Norway, 500 – 600 suicides are registered every year. Over one million people commit suicide each year worldwide. These numbers have increased in recent years. Furthermore, it is estimated that the figures will continue to rise.

Risk factors for suicide

The suicide rate has significant consequences for the population as a whole. The psychological and social consequences of suicide directly affect those closest to the victim. The death of a loved one can affect friends and family emotionally, socially and financially.

Therefore  , it is becoming increasingly important to study and identify risk factors for suicide. Once the factors have been identified and understood, prevention and intervention programs can be implemented. The need for prevention is especially important when you consider that suicide is one of the three main causes of death in  adolescents  between the ages of 15 and 24.

How can we prevent suicide?

In order to find preventive measures  , we must first identify risk factors for suicide. This can help us understand how and when we should intervene. However, not everything can be based on these factors. There are many other important things to consider, such as the type of person the potential victim is, the lifestyle they have and any stressful life events that may be triggering suicidal behavior.

Mental disorders are one of the most important and widespread when it comes to risk factors for suicide. Because of this, special attention has been paid to studying this factor in suicidal behavior. These studies are many and have been conducted over time. Some disorders that have been studied in connection with suicide are  bipolar disorder,  depression and psychotic disorders (such as schizophrenia). The following are other possible risk factors:

  • Previous suicide attempts.
  • A family story of suicidal behavior.
  • A stressful life event, such as a divorce or financial difficulties.
  • Inadequate or non-existent social and family support.

Despite what we mentioned above, there are also protection factors. These are defined as factors that reduce the likelihood of suicide even when several risk factors are present. Within these protection factors are:

  • Ability to have social relationships.
  • Self-confidence.
  • Having children.
  • Good quality social or family support.
Risk factors for suicide

Good opportunities to prevent suicide

Based on this information, we can conclude that suicide is more than a set of individual factors. Consequently, a mental illness does not in itself cause suicide. The environment also plays a big role.

In the same way, there are protection factors at both the personal and environmental level. This is beneficial. The more protection a person has against committing suicide, the less likely they are to go through suicidal behavior. It is also easier to prevent suicide in someone who has several protective factors.

All of the above can help reverse the growing suicide rates. Therefore  , a good alternative would be to design prevention programs aimed at people who, due to their situation, fit the profile of someone who is at risk. This program can also improve any protection factors that exist or develop new ones.

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