Repent Your Men To Banish Negative Thinking

Negative thoughts are rarely helpful. Instead, they fill you with doubt and worry. Today, psychologist Marcelo Ceberio explains a useful technique for getting rid of negative thought patterns.
Repent your men to banish negative thinking

There is still no definitive answer as to why people tend to have catastrophic and negative thinking about ourselves and those around us. If positive thinking is better for us, why do negative thought patterns persist? Today we are going to talk about this phenomenon and give you a useful technique that can change your mind. Are you ready to change?

Think of all your strengths; Remember everything you like about yourself. All your skills, abilities and valuable qualities. Now think about the fact that, instead of emphasizing that side of yourself, you often dwell on your weaknesses, character flaws, and skills that you lack. Most people do this, which leads to feelings of worthlessness.

The cognitive creature we call thought

Some of the behaviors that develop around these emotions, what cognitive psychologists call “cognitive distortions”, are related to each other despite some subtle differences. What matters is the degree of negativity and devaluation that prevails in cognition, emotions and actions.

Many of these ideas sneak up on you and spread like wildfire. They creep into your mind and take over.

  • For example, thoughts associated with helplessness, such as “I will not be able to do it”, “I am not able to do it” or “This is not for me, it is too much”.
  • Believe what other people think, as if you could read their minds. For example: “That person is staring at me. They probably do not like my outfit ”or“ Those people are talking about me ”.
  • There are also people who let a small negative event or comment suck something good out of what has already happened.
  • People who forcibly dream about what they “could” or “should” have done with something that has already happened.
  • Thoughts that predict a negative or catastrophic future.
  • People who constantly compare themselves with others and people who write off the good things that happen to them, as if they were the fruit of the arbitrary nature of life.

In essence, many beliefs lead to self-evaluation. They often result in seeing the wrong and unhappy sides of yourself and others.

The thing is, this catastrophic realization does not stop thinking. Instead, it quickly and inevitably translates into action and the emotions that arise. From there a beautiful and unfortunate self-fulfilling prophecy is born.


Going through life obsessed with what others think of you and imagining that everyone is against you is not healthy. No wonder negative ruminants are suspicious and sometimes paranoid.

The word “but” is one of the keywords in the vocabulary. This language formula applies to most things they say. “But”, “It’s a shame to…”, or “Even if…”. All of these interruptions cancel confirmations. It’s a real trap.

“But” is a rigid word that breaks up a positive sentence. Let’s look at some examples. “She is a very good person and usually does things well, but when she gets angry it is terrible” or “We had a very good weekend, we did not even argue, but she has a bad personality and is a bit rude”.

“But” completely cancels positive pages that are indicated in the first part of the sentence.

Negative and catastrophic people generally find it difficult to see things in a positive light. When they try to say something positive, they usually end up regretting it at the end of the sentence. This description completely devalues ​​what they first said.

It is important to remember that this “but” can also be directed at yourself. For example, ” I’m glad I did my homework quickly, but I always do it at the last minute” or “I study hard, but it’s a shame I still can’t speak the language fluently”.

Breaking the habit of using “but” in this way is difficult because it always steers your mind towards negativity. It’s like an unstoppable machine that makes everything repeat itself. It immortalizes a negative point. Negative thinking has a lot of old habits, which makes a change of 180 degrees difficult, but not impossible.

Repent your men and banish negative thinking

One of the most effective ways to do this is to do it step by step and use your reverse but technique. This may sound funny, but it can be extremely useful. The magic of it is that it does not require you to try to squeeze your negative thoughts. On the contrary, you can let them flow, drop them and say them out loud. The difference here is that once you have said your negative thoughts, you use the word “but” to lead the idea in a positive way.

This mechanism is similar to what you have done, but it turns your negativity into positivity. Here are some examples to illustrate what we are talking about:

  • “My bronchitis was terrible, and I could not work for several days, BUT I was able to rest. It was a short break that I deserved. ”
  • “I should have realized she was a bad person. I fell for her scam in the end and lost some money, BUT it’s good that I did not risk more of my money. This teaches me to be more careful in the future. ”
  • “Everyone is staring at me because I’m wearing this flowery shirt. They will probably say that I look ridiculous, BUT it’s great to dress exactly the way I want. I am free. Let them stare, I do not care. I have to focus on myself and worry less about what others think. ”

What can I learn from rejecting negative thinking?

The “turn your men” technique involves finding a lesson in all situations. It’s like asking yourself, “What is this idea trying to teach me?”, “What message is this situation trying to communicate?”, Or “What can I learn from this scenario?”

This simple technique triggers a kind of negotiation between underestimating yourself and encouraging feelings of self-worth. It is difficult to suddenly dismantle a habit you have had for a long time, so reversing your men is a step you can take towards realizing that not everything is a disaster. With your “reverse but” technique, you will see that things are not in themselves negative. Instead, it’s about how you perceive them.

Now it’s your turn! Try to come up with three “positive buts” and see how you feel!

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