Shouting And Screaming As A Means Of Expression

Shouting and screaming at others, but asking them not to shout back, is incredibly contradictory. Screaming can be very disturbing to some, so why do people use this to express themselves? Let’s find out.
Shouting and screaming as a means of expression

Nobody likes to be yelled at. For that reason, you have every right in the world to be treated properly. To ask for this from others, however, you must treat them well as well, which means you will not shout and scream at them. Otherwise, there is no point in making such a claim. In everyday life, it is not uncommon to meet people who use shouting as a means of expression in the middle of an argument. By doing this, they escalate the volume of the conversation and feel more in control.

Over the years, you have probably met people who do not seem to have control over themselves. It is undoubtedly difficult to deal with an irritable person, especially when they are your boss, an employee or your partner. The biggest challenge in a case like this is not to let your temper scare you.

Shouting is very difficult to deal with because it is very offensive and controlling. If you often have to meet people who use shouting as a means of expression, you must learn to respond to this type of aggression. In the same way, you lose all authority if you decide to do the same to them and can not demand that they treat you more respectfully.

Shouting and screaming as a means of expression

The sole purpose of shouting and screaming is to intimidate others and express anger. Anger is the main reason for this action. People who use shouting as a means of expression will only feel in control of the situation or the other person. If they only realized that expressing anger in this way shows how little control they really have.

Couples screaming at each other.

People use a lot of clichés to justify screaming. “I shout because, if not, you would not listen to me.” This is very common. “This is the only way you will understand what I am saying,” others say. Just like these, there are many other stereotypical phrases that claim to give reasoning for the irrational screaming.

When someone decides to scream instead of talking normally, it is easy to see how unstable their feelings are. They scream because they want to appear stronger. As we mentioned above, they will only dominate the situation. However, it is important to understand that an individual is not able to control an external situation if they do not have control over themselves in the first place.

Why do people decide to shout and scream?

People also yell when they feel scared or pushed into a corner. In this case, they use shouting as a means of expression to defend themselves. The threat can be real or imagined. However, it often exists only in the head and manifests itself as a product of its own insecurity. For example, those who are very dependent on the approval of others or are very sensitive to criticism can interpret any interaction as aggression they must respond to.

Another reason why people shout is simply that they have made it a habit. Let us not forget that we are all a product of our upbringing. If a person’s family raised them by shouting, it is likely that they will shout at others when they are adults. For them, that is the norm. As a result, this person is likely to end up screaming to express discomfort when faced with disappointment or frustration.

On the other hand, some people develop aggressive tendencies, either because of a poorly channeled temperament or because they often go through overwhelming situations. In such cases, they not only use shouting as a means of expression, but they will also regularly show hostility and outbursts of anger.

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Demand not to be yelled at

Often those who raise their voices get exactly the same in return. If so, you can see how harmful screaming can be. Not only is it useless, but it is also extremely harmful to communication and human conditions. Asking not to be called to is a right you have and can defend. However, you must practice what you preach to do so.

In human relationships it is easy to observe the pattern where the “superior” person has the right to shout and the other has to be silent. You can see this between parents and children, teachers and students, bosses and staff, and even in couples building asymmetric power schemes.

In these scenarios, power is vertical and serious. A mother shouts at her children, but thinks it is disrespectful if they do the same to her. In a case like this, there is a kind of hierarchy that everyone must respect. This is true. However, parents often forget that authority must be rational. After all, they are the role models for children.

Basically, parents, teachers, bosses or even spouses can get away with using shouting as a means of expression. As a result, they end up scaring the other person (and not respecting them). Finally, who will respect someone who does not keep his word and does not keep his emotions under control? Screaming is pointless, and even though we are all tempted to raise our voices at some point, it is still wrong.

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