The Five Benefits Of Exercise Lu Jong

Read this article to learn all about Lu Jong.
The five benefits of the Lu Jong form of exercise

Lu Jong comes from the words Lu “body” and Jong “training” or “transformation” in the Tibetan language. Therefore, this is a practice to take care of your body by exercising different dimensions.

This technique originated among the Tibetan monks in the Himalayas 8000 years ago and was only taught to a select group.

What is Lu Jong?

Lu Jong is descended from the traditions of both Prayer and Tantrayāna Buddhism. Prayer is an old belief system that is much older than Buddhism. Prayer is about praising nature, including the subtle aspects that we no longer have contact with.

Through careful observation of nature’s patterns, the prayer beads came up with a practice that adapted man to the rhythms of the universe, the motion of the stars, the structure and evolution of the human body, and the connections between them all to help us reach our full potential. It then gave rise to a number of therapeutic attitudes and movements.

By using proper breathing and moving the body in a certain way,  the body frees itself from physical and mental burdens and reaches physical and emotional balance.

This practice was not known in the Western world until a famous Tibetan physician, Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche, adapted it and introduced it.

Person walking in the grass.

Five benefits of Lu Jong

Lu Jong combines form and movement to repeatedly apply gentle pressure to specific points on the body to release blockages and also to allow the blocked energies to flow again. Furthermore, movements and postures promote healing and relaxation.

There are four groups with movement in addition to two exercises at level 1:

  • The five element movements balance and cleanse space, earth, wind, fire and water elements in the body.
  • The five body part movements improve the mobility of the head, joints, spine and hips.
  • The five elemental movements of vital organs work the kidneys, heart, lungs, spleen and liver.
  • The six relational movements work with common ailments such as indigestion, tumors, water retention, low body temperature, incontinence, depression and improve the five senses.
  • Finally, there are two side exercises that address difficulty falling asleep and difficulty staying awake.

The order is important

Tulku Lobsang developed this practice with careful consideration of the natural flow and progression of the body to create balance. Furthermore, the specific order is important, and it is also important to do the whole set. Therefore, it is not wise to just choose one or two of the exercises, as it will lead to more imbalance.

Lu Jong opens the chakras

This practice helps to open the chakras (the body’s energy centers), and favors the free flow of the three principles of life force in Tibetan medicine (dosha or humors) with the five elements.

These exercises eliminate physical, emotional and mental blockages. They also generate inner peace, reduce stress, improve physical, energetic and mental levels, and lead to increased positive energy, motivation, happiness, peace and mental clarity.

Lu Jong calms down negative emotions

In Lu Jong, you combine movement, breathing and form in a simple but profound way that promotes full attention, which in turn favors community between body and mind.

In this way, negative emotions disappear. According to Tibetan medicine, negative emotions lead to illness.

Woman with eyes closed.

It improves back pain

The spine is the body’s energy axis. Furthermore, training Lu Jong strengthens his back through performing postures and deep breathing.

Some spinal points are massaged during this exercise. It creates space around the vertebrae and improves mobility. In addition, the organs receive oxygen and necessary nutrients that strengthen them through this practice.

In addition, Lu Jong helps the muscles that surround the spine and abdominal center to tone. In addition, it helps to correct posture. For this reason, it is a particularly beneficial practice to relieve back pain and significantly improve the feeling in the lower back.

It eliminates the dangers of a sedentary life

It is very dangerous to have a sedentary lifestyle. If you train Lu Jong you will move, break the vicious cycle and consequently become healthier.

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