The Morning Routine That Will Change Your Life

The habits and activities you start your day with can determine your motivation and productivity. Discover the morning routine that will change your life in this article.
The morning routine that will change your life

Many people want to improve their productivity and motivation. They will do different projects and work on their personal development. At the same time, they feel that they do not have time for this. What if I told you that the key to success that will change your life lies in your morning routine?

This is what Hal Elrod suggests in his book The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Ob Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8 AM) .

Most people wake up with little time to spare and start the day on autopilot, without being particularly aware of what they are doing. Overcoming fatigue and lack of motivation to fulfill your obligations in the morning is a difficult enough task.

In short, our mornings are sometimes too much to handle, and we are completely disorganized. However, Elrod’s method states that you must get up an hour earlier and devote the 60 minutes to your personal development in order to experience a profound change and change your life.

A woman who wakes up in the morning.

Six habits for your morning routine that will change your life

Below we share the six habits that the author of The Miracle Morning suggests you should incorporate into your morning routine. After drinking some water and putting on comfortable sportswear, you are ready to go.

1. Silence

In your frantic life, there does not seem to be room for silence. You are probably trying to avoid it at all costs by turning on the television, as you may consider silence to be boring or disturbing. Silence, however, gives you a few moments of peace that you can take advantage of to get to know yourself better.

So start your mornings with a few minutes of silence. You can use these minutes to breathe consciously and deeply, meditate or just to remember and be grateful for all the good things in your life.

Confirmations are a good habit that will change your life

Your thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) are about language. This is one of the most valuable tools you have for generating a change in your inner patterns.

Therefore, you should repeat deep and meaningful affirmations that bring you closer to the version of yourself you want to become. Write them down in the present, in the affirmative and in the first person. They can refer to any area of ​​your life that you want to improve.

For example, “All my relationships are healthy and harmonious”, “I am a confident person”, or “I feel fulfilled by the work I do”. Through repetition, your unconscious will pick up the messages and start working accordingly.

3. Visualization

Creative visualization is a technique that helps you focus on what you want and how you can achieve it. To do this, spend a few minutes each morning visualizing yourself in the situations you want to experience.

Imagine living them in the first person, and use all your senses to imagine yourself in these scenarios. This mental repetition will put you on the path to achieving what you visualize.

4. Exercise, an important part of the morning routine

Starting the day with some form of exercise or physical activity is beneficial in many ways. It improves your health, increases your self-esteem and fills you with energy for the rest of the day.

You can choose to train any way you want; a few minutes each morning will be enough.

5. Reading is a good habit that will change your life

We all have books that we want to read, but never seem to have time for. This may be your case, or it may be areas you want to learn about or be trained in. However, all of your commitments lead you to procrastinate and shut down this important area of ​​your life.

This is the time for you to perform these tasks. Therefore, set aside a few minutes each morning to begin your reading.

6. Writing is a good habit that will change your life

Writing connects you to yourself and your feelings, desires and fears. It gives you perspective and clarity. Therefore, you should spend a few minutes writing every morning.

You can write down the most important achievements, progress or experiences from the day before. Or you can use this time for gratitude and optimism in your life by writing down the most positive things that have happened to you or what you hope will happen.

A woman in the morning routine.

Customize your morning routine

You can customize and customize the steps above to suit your personality and situation. Select the order in which you will perform these habits and the time you want to spend on each one.

You can also choose how you want to use the silence or what to write in the diary each day. Just be sure to be consistent and stick to all the points we mentioned here!

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