The Most Memorable Quotes By León Felipe

The quotes from León Felipe are charming. They convey a kind of magic characterized by sensitivity, realism and musicality.
The most memorable quotes from León Felipe

Quotes from León Felipe are like his life: Surprising and triumphant. No one ever thought that a pharmacist could have such a mysterious sensitivity that captured the great reality of the human soul and society.

This famous Spanish writer traveled around his country as a stand-up comedian. He also spent a few years in jail for his unpaid debts. All these experiences bring León Felipe’s quotes to life in a unique and strange way.

León Felipe is considered one of the greatest Spanish-speaking poets, but some critics claim that his work has still not attracted the attention it deserves.

In this article, we share some of his most memorable quotes of all time.

Poetry essence

The quote enchants the reader because of its harshness and beauty:

This quote shows what León Felipe thought when writing poetry. In his opinion, poetry is the most real expression of human sensitivity.

Leon Felipe

León Felipe on perspective

This is an exceptional metaphor that refers to the contrast between sadness and clarity. In this beautiful quote, the eyes are a metaphor for perspective. When you are sad, your eyes only see the darkness, and that is why their “purpose” is to cry. But when perspective meets reason, the overwhelming sense of sadness is replaced by realism and understanding.

Do not cross the finish line alone

An interesting fact about León Felipe’s life was how passionate he was when it came to Spanish Republican ideals. When the Civil War began, he was in Panama and decided to return to his homeland to support the Republican cause.

You can see his worldview and his solidarity on this issue in the following quote:

“I move forward with the reins tightened at a slow pace because it is not a question of arriving early or alone, but to arrive with everyone and on time.”

Fear of sinking

León Felipe has often been compared to Walt Whitman because of the didactic tone of some of his verses. But also because they both believed that action and freedom were the key to living a good life.

Here is one of the quotes about this:

This quote tells us that we should not be afraid of making mistakes or making mistakes. In other words, for León Felipe, it’s also a way to find the treasure when you fall to the bottom of the darkest cellar.

A boat in the water.

León Felipe on presence and distance

In this quote he talks about many things at the same time. The first is that presence is so much more than just a physical aspect. Something or someone is present when we can feel their influence, even when they are far away.

Furthermore, he says that influence is what matters. It’s not about the star, it’s about the brightness. It’s not about the rose itself, but about the aroma instead.

León Felipe’s quotes are magical and invite us to reflect.

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