The Only Way To Change Your Reality Is To Change Your Mind

The only way to change your reality is to change your mind

There is a reality out there, outside of us, but with which we do not actually interact. The only reality we really live in is a simulation created by our brain. It does this through our thoughts, which may or may not resemble the reality outside of us. So, does this mean you have to change your mind?

In theory, the less biased your thoughts are, the closer you will be to the truth. The problem comes when you have been trained in generalizations, prejudices and that everything is black and white, which distances you from what is real. To think is to breathe; We do it without realizing it. But you should not believe everything you think about. In fact, some say that only approx. 20% of our thoughts actually become a reality.

As human beings, we have thoughts that do not correspond to the reality of the time or situation we are in.  These are called distorted or irrational thoughts. They are ideas that pop up in your head and keep you from seeing how things really are. They usually cause you to make mistakes, and this has a big and very direct impact on your emotions.

Your interpretation of reality, not so much reality itself, is what makes you an emotionally stable or unstable person. What you think about yourself and your experiences is what really underscores problems with anxiety or depression.

These conditions are very common in the developed world, but  two people in the same situation can experience it and understand it in completely different ways. This is a proof of how it is ultimately your thoughts that create reality.


If you want to change yourself, you can change your mind

The basis of many psychological theories is to replace irrational thoughts with other types that are better suited to real facts. Learning to change your mind from being irrational to being rational is the key. People who are able to change their mindset can gain much more control over their emotions  and make better decisions.

One of the most commonly used clinical techniques for changing poorly adjusted thinking is debates. This is where they show the patient how to change their beliefs by asking questions based on rationality, until the patient is able to figure out an alternative, better-adjusted way of thinking. The ultimate goal is for the patient to be able to replace or “polish” their thoughts themselves.

Although our circumstances may be difficult, as if we have lost our job or gone through a breakup,  they will not improve by thinking too much about them. Instead, the margin for maneuver has more to do with gaining control of your thoughts than with gaining control of reality.

How can you change your mind to be healthy and rational?

Events  are not the reason we experience emotional and behavioral problems. Rather, they are caused by the beliefs that underline our interpretation of the problems. A fundamental way to change our thoughts is to distinguish between rational and irrational thoughts.

Painting of woman

To think in a rational way means to think in relative terms. It means expressing yourself when it comes to desires (I liked, I prefer, I want…). When someone has a healthy way of thinking, even when they do not get what they want, the negative emotions that arise because of the situation will not stop them from pursuing what they want.

On the other hand  , you have a rigid, dogmatic mindset that means you express yourself in terms of commitment, need or requirement  (I have to, I should).

When these things do not happen, you experience negative emotions (depression, guilt, anger, anxiety, fear) that interfere with your attempts to reach your goals. They also trigger behavioral changes such as isolation, avoidance or flight from reality, and substance abuse.

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