To Let Go Is To Realize That Some People Are Part Of Your Story

To let go is to realize that some people are a part of your story

To let go is to realize that some people are part of your story, not your destiny. This does not mean that it does not hurt. Saying goodbye always hurts, even after seeing it for a while. This is one of the emotional laws that govern our interactions with others in life.

There are some relationships (or people) that make an impression on your life, but no matter how much you fight for them, no matter how much you try to save them, no matter how much you love them, no matter how much they should be, with a single puff they collapse. It’s not nice to say goodbye, but sometimes it’s liberating and it’s in that freedom that both beauty and need are found.

Because sometimes we have to go to be happy, to leave a life of pain and worry, to leave emotional insecurity, to reach inner peace and to be the creator of our own emotional freedom.

It is best to say goodbye without leaving anything unsaid

You must learn to say goodbye to people who have hurt a part of you, considering that we can draw a lesson for the future from absolutely all experiences. This does not mean that it is sometimes not worth the sadness that forces us to separate. Because it is good to love and learn from conditions that do not work.

This is very well reflected by the great author Gabriel García Márquez. From the following section we can learn a lot about the importance of loving with all our strength, even when this love has a stop that marks its end point:


Tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone, young or old. Today may be the last time you see those you love. So do not wait any longer, do it today, because if tomorrow never comes, you will regret that you did not take the time for a smile, a hug or a kiss, and that you were too busy to give the last wish.

Keep those you love nearby, whisper in their ears how much you need them, love them and treat them well, take the time to say “sorry”, “forgive me”, “please”, “thank you” and all the other words of love you can. No one will remember you for your secret thoughts.

Working in a heart

When saying goodbye hurts, open your eyes and accept the lesson

There is nothing sadder than a goodbye. Because goodbye forever is goodbye forever, but only goodbye is until when? No matter how long love, friendship or other forms of relationships last, they should be based on expressing our feelings, emotions and thoughts.

It is important that we do not end up with the feeling of not having said what we felt. Because saying goodbye is more painful when our pen still has more ink. If we do not use it, it will dry out and probably ruin our writing tool.

Put another way, our emotional past will determine our present. So it is important to work with our feelings, emotions and thoughts, depending on what we are experiencing at the moment.

So keep this in mind: saying goodbye hurts, but the most painful farewells are those that are not pronounced, those where unresolved issues are left in a golden box with many corners that can hurt our heart.

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