To Miss Someone Who Does Not Miss You

It is normal to miss someone who is not around, as nostalgia is normal. If, on the other hand, you are stuck in the past and your memories become a burden, it may be time to seek help.
To miss someone who does not miss you

You know it’s not healthy to miss someone who never sacrifices a thought to you. You know that it is a mistake to dwell on what you want to happen instead of facing reality. You are aware that you are making yourself suffer, but you just can not stop. You do not seem to be able to avoid all the things that remind you of the past, which makes it impossible to move on.

No medication can turn off your memories or erase the pain of missing someone who is no longer in your life. Thus, the only option is to deal with it in the healthiest way possible. After all, these types of disorders are part of being human. These experiences shape who you are and teach you how to be resilient.

We are not trying to say that suffering is always an inherent part of learning. However, it is useless to give up and despair when it gets tough. You are more prepared than you might think to overcome life’s challenges. When you put your broken pieces back together, you will realize that you are stronger than ever.

Thoughtful man.

How to stop missing someone who does not miss you?

Although longing for someone who does not give you a thought is unhealthy, it is also extremely common. This person is the first thing that comes to mind when you wake up, and the memories you shared with this person keep you awake at night. During the day, every song, show, restaurant, book and silly detail reminds you of them.

Living in the past is not healthy. Moving forward is crucial to your well-being. However, you must understand that this is a normal and common problem. There will always be a period of grief where you have to deal with a wide range of emotions, worries and emotional pain.

You should not feel guilty that you have gone through this completely normal process of missing someone. However, it is important not to let it go too long. If this happens, this normal process becomes pathological, something psychologists call “frozen grief.” Even if you convince yourself that you have moved on, you have not actually received any termination. This limbo condition leads to increased stress and anxiety because you are still experiencing the intense effects of the person’s absence.

Why is this happening?

It is important to make it clear that moving forward does not mean forgetting. Instead, it teaches you to live with the memories in a way that does not cause pain. Remember that it is not easy for the brain to forget memories associated with meaningful and intense emotions.

The combination of neurotransmitters and hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine that play a role in your personal relationships is to blame. When you are with someone you love, your body releases the wonderful chemical cocktail that triggers intoxicating emotions.

When you are no longer with that person, the brain still needs its “dose” of neurochemicals to feel calm. If it does not get it, you will feel unbalanced and anxious.

To miss someone from the past.

Missing someone: There is a solution

During your life you will miss many people in different ways. You will feel nostalgic about old friends and colleagues and be hurt if you lose someone in a traumatic way. It is natural to long for people who were important to you, especially when the relationship ended in a complicated way.

Meaningful relationships, especially romantic ones, often end without a mutual agreement. Sometimes a person loses feelings or falls in love with someone else. Sometimes you are simply not happy with some aspect of the significant other. In these situations, a person always carries the burden of unrequited love.

There is a solution to all this, so do not despair. Even if there is no miracle cure, you can move on with your life, if you want. Let’s look at some effective strategies:

To miss someone: Zero contact

While this may be difficult, it is important. When you miss someone, you will obviously be tempted to get in touch with them. It’s easy to think that if you just get a chance to talk, you’ll be able to win them back. If you really want to get over a breakup, you need to avoid such situations. You should also stop following them on social media and avoid reading their comments and liking their posts.

Let go of anger

When a relationship ends badly, it is easy to get angry or frustrated. Searching for an explanation causes you to change the blame for what you did or did not do, and accuse your partner of treating you badly. This makes you feel worse, and it is more difficult to alleviate the grieving process.

Woman with mobile.

New projects, new goals

Missing someone can anchor you to the past and keep you there, unable to escape pain and longing. You can not move on and can not change.

Do not get stuck. Even if you go on and miss the person you lost, do not let it go too far. Miss them just enough to find an end and move on before your memories become a burden.

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