“Treated Carefully, Contains Dreams “: The Invisible Mark All Young Children Carry

All young children are made of fragile, innocent, dreamlike, wonderful things. They are bubbling little minds who turn their play into dreams to live out and hope to fulfill.

When we are around young children, we must be aware that we are shaping them. We are the people who are responsible for their imagination, their hunger for life and their self-esteem.

If we stop and think about it for a moment, it’s easy to see how important it is. If we want to build a house, we know right away that we need to start with the foundation. Because if we start with the roof, there will be nothing to keep it up.

It is the same with raising children. If we want a solid foundation, we must start building it as soon as possible. From scratch, from day one.

Each child has specific needs

Each child has specific needs because each child is unique. From the pace at which they learn, to the way they express their ideas and feelings. Everything in young children is very personal and unique.

The first step, of course, is to give them our time. That means you have to be calm when they have a tantrum. Or helping them deal with their emotions, teaching them ways to do it, playing with them, encouraging creativity and most of all, never setting limits to their dreams.

You learn to raise a child by raising them. It seems obvious, and as a result, we must be especially careful not to end up with false beliefs. We do not know everything. And in fact, we’re probably doing things wrong.

The idea that something is “easier said than done” is a shield we put up. It is a barrier that limits us when it comes to opening our minds and realizing that maybe we are not putting in as much effort as we should if we want to change something in the way we raise our children.

But without getting away from the main topic here, we must mention an important pillar of upbringing. Give our children wings so they can fulfill their dreams.

If we hinder them with statements and attitudes such as: “it is very difficult for you”, “if you go that way, you will end up as a criminal”, “do not do it this way, do it my way”, etc., then is all we get, children who match. Young children without dreams.

Respect young children, protect their dreams

If we give them hope, the children will have hope. If we trust them and even let them fall, they learn. With our irrational fears, we just want to make them anxious and that they do not trust themselves. We make them fragile and fragile. We make them become people they are not, or more precisely, people they do not want to be.

Do we really want to set them up like this? Young children need to have their dreams protected, their thoughts about themselves, their self-esteem. This is something they can cling to when things are difficult and they encounter obstacles.

They are the only walls we can not move out of the way. They are the ones who want to be there, no matter how much we hate that they are there. Therefore , childhood is the most important part of life. Because it is a time when thinking impossible thoughts is encouraged.

It is the phase when you have your whole life ahead of you. When you are yourself and no one else. When you do not look in the mirror and compare yourself with the person next to you. That’s when you, if you admire someone, do it because they are heroic.

So help the children see what is wonderful in them every day. Ask them what their favorite part of the day was, or their favorite sport, what things they are good at.

Make them feel important. Show them how to use scissors, draw, shape clay, kick a ball hard. Let them get excited, let them understand that they have a lot to contribute even if they are “small”. And so that they will grow, show them a thousand and one ways to do things. Ways to control their anger, to share their dissatisfaction and their happiness.

Do not let them go to bed without saying good things about themselves. Without emphasizing their best qualities, their achievements, their dreams and their desires. Appreciate their successes, communicate with them. Because I promise you, raising a strong child is easier than repairing a broken adult.

Main photo reproduced with permission of Karin Taylor

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