Why Are Statistics Useful In Psychology?

When you choose to study psychology, you may think that math will not be a part of it. However, this is incorrect.
Why are statistics useful in psychology?

Statistics usually catch the attention of those starting a career in psychology. They think that numbers are something they have put behind them, but suddenly this worrying topic arises. What do researchers use statistics for? Why are statistics useful in psychology, both for psychologists and people interested in psychology?

When we study psychology, we find topics such as: “research method”, “data analysis”, “study design”, “psychometry”, etc. They are directly based on statistics. But these topics do not really motivate psychology students. Therefore, they are not the most valued topics in their careers.

In this article, we will try to answer the questions that many students and curious people ask themselves when they come across these topics. To develop these answers, we talk about psychology as a science and the use of statistics in psychology.

Research in psychology and its methodology

You have to remember that psychology is a science. All the conclusions from this discipline go (or should go) from the application of a comprehensive and reliable system called scientific method. This method is based on the progressive accumulation of evidence using various mathematical resources.

Woman checking statistics on her laptop

Psychology is a broad discipline with applications in various disciplines: clinical, pedagogical, sports, social, business, etc. But under what is used is research; that is, the contrast in the effectiveness of the procedures that are eventually used. In order to draw accurate conclusions about an observable reality, we need mathematics to assess the significance of the results of experiments and research.

If there were no statistics in psychology, we would not know if the results we observe are valid and reliable. A correct methodology and mathematical study gives us security for the data we have received in our research. This will be useful if we want to use them for real situations.

Psychology is a science. Because of this, you need to use an abstract system that allows you to work as far away from meaning and subjectivity as possible. This system is the scientific method, and one of the most important aspects is the use of statistics as a tool. Therefore, it is very important that psychologists are trained to at least understand the basic elements of statistics.

The usefulness of statistics in psychology

When you start studying this discipline, it may seem that statistics have no immediate benefit in psychology. But all psychology students soon realize that they need the mathematical resources to understand the subject in depth. We often find data and statistics from various studies. We will come across validity and reliability coefficients for tests used in therapies and mathematical models of cognitive processes…

For obvious reasons, methodology and statistics are crucial for assessing the conclusions reached during research if we want to dedicate ourselves to psychology research. This is because you can assess the extent to which the procedure used by the researchers is the most appropriate. In the same way, you can know how reliable the results obtained are.

net in the brain

Both clinical psychology and other applied fields require a permanent formation. This means that we must be aware of new changes in the discipline. If we want to know and interpret the conclusions from academic psychology, it is necessary to have a minimum of knowledge of statistics and methodology. Therefore, knowledge of statistics and data analysis is a requirement for any psychologist.

Statistics in psychology is a subject that causes a lot of fear and a little headache. But it is very rewarding and useful to know how to use the resources there offer. For this reason, it is important for students and those interested in psychology to immerse themselves enthusiastically in the study of methodology and data analysis.

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