Why Does Someone Talk To Themselves?

People often talk to themselves to stay sane. Doing so is not an indication of insanity, but a healthy strategy where self-directed speech allows them to immerse themselves in their own needs and meet them.
Why does someone talk to themselves?

Why does someone talk to themselves? Is he insane? As you know, people are often entertained when they hear someone talking loudly without a conversation partner. However, it is a healthy practice that is worth doing from time to time.

Some say that Einstein and Newton used to have deep and complex conversations with themselves. When Conan Doyle created his famous character Sherlock Holmes, he did not hesitate to equip him with this practice as well. He did it to show that the sharpest brains not only had some peculiar habits, but also had their own way of reasoning.

Although most people live in noisy worlds and often choose silence as a resting mechanism, it is a good idea to have a good conversation with yourself from time to time.

Not only because you want good company, but also because you want to consider many things that require attention. Plus because your emotional health will appreciate it.

Man who talks to himself.

Why does someone talk to themselves? Benefits and curiosities

Some say that the elderly talk to themselves. In addition, this is common in lonely people seeking comfort from their despair. However, this is not true. It is time to put aside these myths about certain groups. Wondering why you’re talking to yourself? The answer is simple because it is normal in humans.

You may have surprised yourself at one point or another by saying something to yourself “How can you be so grumpy? You’ve lost the keys again. Today is not your day. We’ll see how it ends. “

These sudden verbalizations are quite common, and so is self-directed speech (ie starting a dialogue where you dive deeper into a topic).

The egocentric speech: Children talk to themselves all the time

There are many things to learn from children in addition to the endless curiosity and willingness to experiment, discover and enjoy the moment. You also need to learn from the children’s self-centered speeches. This is at least what Lev Vygotsky recommended. He was well aware of the infantile phase where a child has not yet internalized his speech.

It is common to see them engrossed in their own world where they have a dialogue with themselves. They do not just do it with their toys. In fact, it is common for the practice of self-directed speech to be internalized later.

People talk to themselves to optimize their brains

You may have found yourself in the middle of a crossroads. Maybe you have a problem and can’t find a solution to it. Thus you begin an inner dialogue. Since it does not help, you start talking loudly to yourself.

  • This behavior is not only properties of the mind, but also an intelligence. At least according to a study conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The brain’s gear adjusts as you move from internal to external speech.
  • The authors of this study claim that you improve your perception, memory and ability to solve problems when communicating with yourself.
  • After all, humans have the kind of communicative competence that has always been a remarkable advantage over the rest of the beings on this planet. Using it is very beneficial.
  • The neurologist Alexander Luria (1980) points out that language fulfills more than just a social function. According to him, it also helps cognitive processing directly.

You can give yourself the best pep talk

Why wait for external reinforcements? Is it really necessary for others to encourage you to do certain things? It’s not when you have yourself. In fact, you can be your own cheerleader if you think about it. Thus, the answer to the question of why someone talks to themselves may be that the brain wants you to encourage yourself. Thus, it will hear things like:

This person’s self-directed speech is good and healthy. This is because activating your external interlocutor will have an excellent effect on your personal growth.

In addition, there is another notable advantage. Talking to yourself helps you focus on goals and what is important.

Woman thinking.

Get in touch with emotions

External dialogue has a large capacity for self-regulation. It not only helps you to improve the cognitive processes to solve problems. In fact, it also allows you to become more aware of things and better connect with your emotions by discovering, clarifying and managing.

Thus, it can be quite cleansing to ask yourself what you are feeling, why you are feeling it and what you can do in the face of that feeling.

Finally, it will always be healthy to take advantage of the mental distance that self-dialogue provides. Therefore, you now have another technique to use when you need to bring harmony, balance and well-being into your life.

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