Worry And Anxiety Are Best Friends

Worry and anxiety are best friends

Worry is the real core of anxiety. When the worry is set in motion, there is no way to stop it. This feeling is as harmful as anger or rage, because it slowly breaks us down. At times, it can even completely paralyze us. In addition to that, worries have a huge impact on our health. Our bodies become tense and we feel much more restless and upset.

It is true that everyone worries from time to time. It is completely natural and absolutely normal. The problem arises as anxiety begins to affect us. Excessive worry and making yourself responsible for almost everything is one of the biggest problems that many people experience. 

Unnecessary worry

Remember that worrying has a lot to do with our way of looking at things and confronting different situations that arise.  So, it is so that some people seem to never worry at all, while others, on the contrary, tend to always worry about everything. Is worrying so much really a good thing?

Worrying can be positive as long as it allows you to reflect on the situation that is bothering you, and then eventually resolve it. But if it only remains in the mind that spins around itself without having an end, nervousness, tension and anxiety will eventually appear.


It is true that worrying is closely linked to fear. Therefore, it can sometimes be good to stop and ask if there is something in our lives that we do not handle in a good way. In fact,  we are sometimes aware of a situation that we dislike, but because we do not end it, it generates recurring and negative thoughts that can affect our health in the long run.

Worrying has a main function: finding solutions to potential threats.  However, its purpose is to implement these solutions. If we do not, our minds will continue to warn us that we must solve the problem, thus generating one worry after another.

It happens when these thoughts put a different pressure on you, so that you may be aware that you can no longer ignore the situation. Vertigo, nausea, body aches, anxiety, tachycardia: these symptoms may begin to appear without any apparent cause.  But, you know there’s really a good reason they’re there. That’s when it’s time to react.

I want to stop worrying so much

In order for you to stop worrying so much, action is needed. If we leave all these thoughts buzzing through our heads there,  if we overlook that there is a problem that needs to be solved, everything will pile up until it goes so far that it begins to affect your health.

branches growing out of boys back

Because of all this,  we want to share a few simple steps with you that you can start using to avoid worrying so much.  As we have already explained, it is time to react, it is time to stop thinking so much and rather start doing:

  • Write down what worries you: You may not be aware of the benefits of writing down everything you have in mind. But when you do, you will find that it acts as a healing conditioner. In addition, writing will help you place all your thoughts in one system, and it will be able to help you see things a little clearer.
  • Ask yourself questions:  When we worry, we should ask ourselves questions such as whether it is really in our hands to solve the situation that affects us so negatively. If you find that there is nothing you can do about it, then it’s time to stop worrying.
  • Do what you have to do, and do it today:  If you think about what you have to do to be able to solve the problem that bothers you, while always postponing doing so, only your worries will increase in scope. Remember this saying: “Do not wait until tomorrow with what you can do today”.
  • Support the people you love the most:  Now is the time to entrust your concerns to the people you trust the most. They may also help you see the situation in other ways, and they may help you clear your mind.
  • Think about the benefits:  Even if you are afraid to face certain situations, think about the fact that nothing can be worse than worrying. It is horrible to confront a situation when we do not know how to solve it, or what outcome it will have. Despite this, you need to think about the benefits that resolving these situations will bring. Think about the heavy weight that is going to be lifted off your shoulders.

Worrying is a positive thing, but be aware that it will not become a constant part of your life. When anxiety knocks on the door, it is a warning that something is not right. Then it’s time to ask yourself why you are not doing something about the things that cause anxiety.


Staying quiet and continuing to worry is not a good solution. Talk to your loved ones, write and put some effort into confronting the problem once and for all. Although the thought may be scary to you, think about how everything will only get worse if you do not actively go in to stop it.  Do you not think that it is worth taking that chance? In the end, you really have nothing to loseā€¦

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